Postal Prohibited Articles MCQ | Quiz Questions and Answers for PO Guide Part 1 Clause Nos 209-214 | GDS to MTS, Postman, Mail Guard MCQ Set [76] - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Postal Prohibited Articles MCQ | Quiz Questions and Answers for PO Guide Part 1 Clause Nos 209-214 | GDS to MTS, Postman, Mail Guard MCQ Set [76]

MCQs On Prohibited Postal Articles, Multiple choice questions and answers (MCQs) on Post Office Guide Part 1 Clause Nos 209-214. SOP, Short Notes, PPT, PDF, Quiz,Online Test, Mock Test, Previous Questions and Answers, Solved Papers, Online Test.Useful for Postal Exams/LDCE IPO Exam/PS Group B Exam/LGO Exams/GDS to Postman/MTS/Mail Gaurd/PA/SA Exams in postal department.

1. what is the general prohibition for transmission by Inland Post?

A Anything which is sent in contravention of any enactment for the time being in force

B Anything indecent or obsence article

C Any sharp instrument not properly protected

D All the above




2. Mr Akshay Kumar want to send a pistol to his friend by India Post, Choose the correct option?

A He is allowed due to provision of anything can be sent through post

B he has to book such article with insurance

C This article is prohibited for transmission

D It is allowed with some conditions




3. Any newspaper not complying with the provision of the press and registration of book act 1867 should be ?

A Charged at newspaper Rate

B Charged at Book Packet rate

C Charged at Letter Rate

D Treated as Prohibited Article




4. What are the local prohibition described in PO Guide for transmission by Inland Post?

A Certain article are prohibited for transmission by post in certain locality between two places in India

B Certain article which are prohibited by the postal authority

C There is no such a Local Prohibition

D None of these




5. Which one of the following is allowed by Inland Post?

A Any sharp Instrument not properly protected

B Any living creatures or other thing which is either noxious or likely to injure postal article in course of transmission by post

C Ticket, proposal or advertisement relating to a lottery

D All classes of articles of the letter mail of which the whole or a part of the address side has been marked off into single address




6. Articles marked as doubtfull during transmission by post are ______?

A Return to sender

B handover to the police custody

C Will be opened in presence of the addressee

D Opened by the Postmaster



7. Any postal article suspected to contain any goods of which the transmission by post is prohibited by or any enactment for the time being in force is received for delivery at a Post Office?

A The post office will deliver the article to the addressee without any interference

B The officer in charge of the post office wil issue notice to the addressee inviting him to attend the post office and shall in his presence open and examine the postal articles

C The officer in charge of the Post office will open and examine the postal articles in the prsence of the postal staff

D The officer in charge shall send the postal article to RLO for disposal




8. What is the treatment of an article bearing thereon any matter which in prejudicial to the maintenance of the law and order?

A It is sent to the office of destination

B It is not transmitted by post and if found in course of transmission, it is sent to RLO for disposal

C It is detained and reported to the higher authorities for orders

D It should be reported to customs Department




9. Article bearing any stamps which were at any time but are not now in use for the payment of postage will be ____?

A forworded to the office of destination

B Sent to the RLO

C Returned to Sender

D None the above



10. One letter weighing 20grams on which a pictorial reporduction of a postage stamp of Rs 5 is found in the letter box. how this article is trated?

A The article taxed for the Rs 10 and Forwarded to the addressee

B The article is taxed for the Rs 10 and Returned to Sender

C The article will be returned to sender

D None the above



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