Post Office CSI Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Reduction of stipulated timeline for disposal of grievances on CRM platforrn - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Post Office CSI Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Reduction of stipulated timeline for disposal of grievances on CRM platforrn

D.O. No PG-01/3/2021-PG-DoP Dated 18 08.2022 

This is regarding reduction of stipulated timeline for disposal of grievances on Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platforrn. 

2. Core System Integrator-Customer Relationship Management (CSI CRM) platform in place of Computerised Customer Care Centres (CCC) i.e. CCC Portal was rolled out on 31.12.2019. The timelines for disposal of grievances received on CRM platform mentioned in Citizens Charter are 60 days for regular complaints and 90 days for complaints requiring investigation. 

3. Department of Administrative Reforms & Public Grievances (DARPG) has reduced the timeline for disposal of grievances on Centralized Public Grievance Redress And Monitoring System (CPGRAMS) to 30 days vide their 0.M. No 5-15/21/2021-0/o D51PG)-DAPPG(7085) dated 27.07.2022. 

4. An analysis of the trends of received, resolved and pending grievances on CRM was carried out in the Department. On the basis of the analysis, the competent authority has reduced the stipulated timeline for disposal of grievances as follows: - 

i) The grievances received on CRM shall be resolved promptly as soon as they are received but within a maximum period of 45 days. 

ii) In case redressa( is not possible within the prescribed time-frame due to the circumstances such as sub-judice rnatters/policy issues etc. an interim/appropriate reply shall be given to the citizen. 

5. In view of the above, I would request you to sensitize the Circle PG team to gear up to dispose of the grievances within the time frame mentioned in para 4 above and also to pay requisite attention to the quality of resolution A positive and responsive attitude towards the customers will not only help us in increasing our customer base but also give us the intangible benefit of enhancing our brand value and goodwill. 

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