POSB Account Death Claim Settlement of DBT Beneficiaries | Procedure to be followed for Social Security Pensioners amount not Withdrawn in the POSB Account
Settling of claims in respect of POSB accounts having DBT credits post date death of the account holder for various schemes.
Procedure to be followed for Social Security Pensioners amount not Withdrawn by the beneficiaries from POSB Account.
Download POSB DBT Death Claim Settlement procedure in PDF
In connection with the above subject, please find enclosed copy of Circle Office letter and Directorate of Social Security & Pensions letter cited under reference 1 &2. As per the instructions received from Circle office, instructions may be issued to all Post offices to ensure that withdrawal of Social Security Pension amount should not be allowed if the social security pension amount ying in POSB account of the Social Security beneficiaries for more than 90 days and unclaimed amount before the death of the beneficiary.
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