PLI RPLI Digilocker Awareness | Awareness about issuance of Digital copy of Postal Life Insurance (PLI)/RPLI through Digilocker
F.No.56-01/2021-LI (Pt)
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(Directorate of Postal Life Insurance).
Chanakyapuri P.O. Complex
New Delhi-110021
Dated: 25th Aug 2022
Sub: Awareness about issuance of Digital copy of Postal Life_Insurance (PLI)/Rural Postal Life Insurance Policies (RPLI) through Digilocker,
Please refer to this office letter of even no, dated 11.10.2021 wherein digital version of the Postal Life Insurance policy bonds (ePLI bond) was Jaunched through DigiLocker Application. It is seen that count of e-bond downloads is not up to the mark, probably due to lack of awareness among Salesforces and Customers.
2. It is therefore requested to create wide awareness among the salesforce about availability of facility of e-bond download through DigiLokcer, by way of reiterating the instructions — circulated earlier, educating the officials/marketing agents during training/workshop at different levels, sensitizing the customers during the melas and inclusion of this information in PLI/RPLI brochures & various other advertisements printed/displayed by Circles from time to time.
3. Circles may also explore Possibility of devising a cost-effective mechanism for sending customized eMail and SMSs to the customers, at their level
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