Model Question Paper for GDS to MTS, Postman, Mail Guard, PA/SA Exam | Online Practice Paper for GDS to Postman, MTS Exam | Mock Test - 03
Model Question Paper for GDS to MTS Exam, Multiple choice questions and answers (MCQs) for GDS to MTS (Multi-Tasking Staff), Postman & Mail Guard Common Exam. Model Papers and Quiz for GDS to MTS, Postman & Mail Guard, PA/SA LDCE Departmental Exam. SOP, Short Notes, PPT, PDF, Quiz,Online Test, Mock Test, Previous Questions and Answers, Solved Papers, Online Test.Useful for Postal Exams/LGO Exams/GDS to Postman/MTS/Mail Gaurd/PA/SA Exams in postal department.
1. Which one of the following APP has been developed by DOP for the purpose of DBT Payments?
A DOP Delivery App
B D-Cube App
C DBT M-Payment App
D DOP Micro Atm
2.Approximately __________% of Total SSA Accounts in the country have been opened through Post Offices
A 63%
B 74%
C 86%
D 93%
3. Sankalan - e Compendium comprising POLI Rules 2011, Various SOPs, forms etc was released in the year______for the ease of officials working at various offices
A 2014
B 2017
C 2019
D 2021
4. IT Modernization Project 2.0 of DOP was approved by Government of India for the Rs 5785 Crores for the period of _______years
A 5 Years
B 3 Years
C 8 Years
D 7 Years
5. Which office will maintain bag account for all types of bags category-wise not only in respect of bags recived and dispatched by the sorting offices and TMOs attached to them
A Central bag office
B Circle bag office
C Unit bag office
D District bag office
6. Which of the following is a unit bag office ?
A Kalmane branch office
B Nagaram ED SO
C Kuchipudi sub post office
D Hassan sub record office
7. Which of the following is identified as district bag office ?
A Sub office
B PSD in circle head quarters
C Divisional office
D Sub record office
8. Which office prepares the salary and contingent bill for the entire RMS division ?
A Divisional office
B Sub record office
C Head record office
D Sub divisional office
9. The entire expenditure towards wages for the establishment op press sorting office apart from providing required stationery for working the sorting office is borne by the
A Department of post
B Superintendent of RMS
C Newspaper publisher
D Head record officer
10. In order to help the customers who are regularly posting maximum number of letters , department of post started assistance centers in bigger cities called
A Bulk mailing centers
B Business mailing centers
C Mass mailing centers
D Better mailing centers
11. Irrespective of the status of the incumbent, the officer in-charge of a set of tranist mail office is designated as
A Head sorting assistant
B Record officer
C Mail agent
D Head record officer
12. Which are opened mainly for the convenience of senders and addressees who may be required to present documents, etc., for the release or dispatch of their foreign articles
A Foreigen post office
B Sub foreigen post office
C Sub-exchange post office
D Customs office
13. An office which is not an exchange office but in which the work of customs examination, assessment and accounting of custom duty is carried out is calles
A Foreigen post office
B Sub foreigen post office
C Sub-exchange post office
D Customs office
14. Which of the following are functions of the office of exchange of transit ?(i) to exchange mails with the carrier of a foreigen administration. (ii) to exchange mails with the official of a foreigen administration (iii) will close bags for foreign countries (iv) will open inward foreign bags
A (i) and (ii) are correct
B (iii) and (iV) are correct
C None ot these are correct
D All are correct
rrect ANSWER - A
15. A unit which is a branch of RMS office where the bundles prepared by the post offices/ mail offices are grouped and encloused in a direct bag is called
A Computerized registration centers
B Central grouping unit
C Central bagging unit
D Central bundling unit
16. In important cities where mail traffic is high, sorting machine have been provide which have high speed of sorting. such centers are called
A Automatic mail personnel centers
B Automatic mail packaging centers
C Automatic machine processing centers
D Automatic mail processing centers
17. Asorting office may receive
A Only forward bags in sorting
B Only registered articles in sorting
C Articles of all kinds in sorting
D Only unregistered articles in sorting
18. What is the primary use of transit office ?
A To reduce the man power
B To reduce the weight of the mails
C To reduce the time in transmission
D To reduce number of loose bags
19. A branch of RMS where closed bags are recived and dispatched but sorting of letters is not done is called ?
A Returned letter office
B Transit mail office
C Sorting office
D Record office
20. What is the RD rebate to be paid toa a depositor who pays 19 months including the current months @200 denomination
A Ruppes 20
B Ruppes 40
C Ruppes 100
D Ruppes 150
21. Circle bag office is
A RMS situated at the Headquarters of Postal circle
B D section of Postal Directorate
C PSD situated at the Headquarters of Postal circle
D RLO situated at the Headquarters are postal circle
22. Journey performed by a set of a section travelling on duty from one end of its beat to the other end is called
A A Trial
B A Set
C A Batch
D A Trip
23. A labelled bundle containing 120 un registered article addressed to Mangalore HO and another labelled bundle containing 54 articles address to Mysore HO are treated in sorting at Bengaluru RMS as
A 174 articles
B 55 articles
C 120 articles
D 2 articles
24. Convertible whole Life Assurance (Gram Suvidha) can be converted into endowment Assurance in RPLI
A After 3 years not later then 5 years of taking policy
B After 4 years not later than 5 years of taking policy
C After 5 years not later than 6 years of taking policy
D After 4 years not later than 6 years of taking policy
25. Name the Policy under which no interest is charged up to 1 year, as a premium in case of natural calamities like flood, drought, earthquake,cyclone etc
A Bal Jeevan Bhima RPLI Policy
B Yugal Suraksha PLI Policy
C Sumangal RPLI Policy
D 10 years RPLI Policy
26. As per rule 35 of PO Guide part 1 which of the following way of delivery of Postal article is treated as Deemed to be delivered to the addressee under the post office act ?
A Delivery at the house
B Delivery at the office of the addressee
C Delivery to the addressee or his servant or agent or other person considered to be authorised to receive the article according to the usual manual of delivering postal articles to the addressee
D All of these
27. What is the penalty for breach of condition in respect of a postal article reposted after having been opened or reposted at any place other than the place at which it was delivered?
A It will be treated as a postal article posted for the first time and charged with the postage accordingly
B Double the redirection fee will be charged
C Redirection fee will be charged
D Double the postage will be charged
28. Post restante may not be used for more than __
A Two months
B Three months
C One month
D Seven days
29. Who is the competent authority to issue approval for the delivery of insured articles and payment of money orders addressed to students of educational institutions to the head of the institution on executing indemnity bond on a stamped paper?
A Superintendent of Post Offices
B Postmaster General
C Assistant Postmaster (Delivery) in head post office
D Chief Postmaster General
30. Which of the following is incorrect in case of delivery of parcel less than 10 kg?
A It will be issued for delivery only once
B It will not be issued again in case it is not deliverd for any reason on first instance
C A notice of arrival will be issued at the delivery through postman for taking delivery from post office
D None of the above
31. The business hours in the principal Post Offices on Saturdays for issue of money orders, sale and payment of postal orders are generally
A During the entire working hour of the office.
B For about six to seven hours.
C For five hours stopping at 3 PM.
D For three hours stopping at 1 PM.
32. During the extended hours of Night POs on week days, the deposits into savings bank account and sale of cash certificates will be available up to _______
A 17:00 Hours
B 19:00 Hours
C 20:30 Hours
D 10:00 Hours to 17:00 Hours
33. Which of the following is not a common Post office holiday?
A Idul-Zuha (Bakr-Id)
B Muharram
C Idul-Fitr
D Jamat-ul-vida
34. To whom the Postmaster should refer the case at once for orders in any case he has good reason to suspect that the contents of any postal article are likely to injure the mails or harm the person of any one engaged in the postal service?
A Head of the Division
B Head of the Region
C Head of the Circle
D Take action on his own.
35. Which of the following articles are prohibited from transmission by Inland post (i) Lottery ticket organized by Government (ii) Turpentine (iii) Varnishes (iv) Gold coin of value not exceeding Rs 10,000 (v) addressed to successive addresses
A (i) (ii) (iii) & (iv)
B (ii) (iii) & (v) ONLY
C None of these.
D All of these
36. Which of the following categories of postal articles that can not be sent by private persons to officers of the Government containing communications which the sender, is required by a law or rule to make, if superscribed “Service Unpaid ” without prepayment? (i)Letters, (ii)Letter Cards (iii)Post cards(iv)Packets(v) Parcels
A (i) & (ii) ONLY
B (iv) & (v) ONLY
C (v) ONLY
D All of these
37. What is the postage chargeable on the delivery of on an insufficiently paid official postal letter weighing 40 grams with Rs 4 postage affixed on it?
A Rs 12
B Rs 2
C Rs 6
D Official postal articles are freely transmitted
38. Registered newspapers and packets of registered newspapers are accepted on Sundays and PO holidays without payment of any late fee in
A Press Sorting Offices
B R.M.S. offices.
C Night Post Offices
D All of these
39. What is the course of action in case any postal article is found in course of transmission by post having any written, printed, impressed or attached to the address-side?
A It will be sent to RLO for disposal.
B It will be returned to the sender.
C The case will be immediately reported to the Head of the Division.
D None of these.
40. Service standards for delivery of speed post (from Booking to delivery) for State Capital to State Capital is
A 1 To 2 Days
B 1 To 3 Days
C 1 To 4 Days
D 4 To 5 Days
41. What is the compensation paid for loss / total theft / total damage of International Registered article?
A Up to 40 SDR per parcel plus 4.50 SDR per kg or the value of contents, whichever is less, subject to an upper ceiling of 130 SDR plus the postage paid
B Rs One thousand (Rs 1000/- ) or the actual value of the contents damaged or lost whichever is less
C Value of contents or 30 SDR, whichever is less
D Value of contents or 30 SDR, whichever is less, plus the postage paid
42. What is the due date before which the bulk customer of speed post (BNPL) has to pay the bill amount in full in the month in which the bill is raised?
A 7th of the month
B 10th of the month
C 15th of the month
D End of the month
43. Supervisor, Speed Post center will submit his daily Report to the Manager, Speed Post in the format
A MS 82
B MS 28
C MS 84
D MS 83
44. In Mail Offices where LSG Supervisors have been sanctioned in addition to LSG/HSG Head Sorting Assistants, each LSG Supervisor will submit a daily note in a prescribed form to the
A Assistant Superintendent of RMS
B Superintendent of RMS
C Superintendent of Postal Division
D Head Sorting Assistant
45. Which of the following statements are correct? Every RMS set is supplied with following stamps and seals i) Date Stamp ii) Name Stamp iii) Date Seal iv) Detained Late Fee Not Paid Stamp
A (i) (ii) & (iii)
B (i) & (ii)
C All (i) (ii) (iii) & (iv)
D None of these
46. As regards to final Duties of Mail Agent before quitting the Mail Office, to whom he should handover the key after locking the office room if there is a succeeding Set?
A Retain the key in his personal custody
B Hand over charge of the office to his reliever
D Record Officer
47. In whose possession the insurance seal must always remain, who will be held responsible for its safe custody in the sorting mail office?
A Sorting Assistant (SA) dealing with Insurance Branch
B Mail Guard (MG)
C Sub Record Officer (SRO)
D Head Sorting Assistant (HSA)
48. Who will be responsible for any omission or error in ensuring copying of all "B" orders in the "Guidance Book" of the set prescribed?
A Mail Guard
B Record Officer
D Head Sorting Assistant
49. How many parts the Mail Abstract is divided in to?
A Two
B Three
C Four
D None of the above
50. In a Mail office, who should at the commencement of each day's work, give out a stock (stationery) sufficient only for the day's requirements, and the remainder of the articles should be kept under lock and key?
A Head Sorting Assistant
B Sub Record Officer
D Mail Guard
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