Minutes of the Meeting by Postal Directorate with PJCA consisting NFPE & FNPO & AISBCEU in connection with strike notice on 10.08.2022 - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Minutes of the Meeting by Postal Directorate with PJCA consisting NFPE & FNPO & AISBCEU in connection with strike notice on 10.08.2022


Government of India

Ministry of Communications

Department of Posts

Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,

New Delhi — 110001

Dated: 08.08.2022 


Secretary General, NFPE & FNPO

General Secretary, AISBEU

Subject: Minutes of the Meeting held on 05.08.2022 with representatives of Postal Joint Council of Action (PJCA) consisting NFPE & FNPO and General Secretary of AISBCEU in connection with strike notice on 10.08.2022 - reg

I am directed to forward herewith Minutes of the Meeting held on 05.08.2022 on the above cited subject. Since your charter of demands have been considered in the said meeting. Hence you are requested to kindly call off the proposed strike in the public interest.

Minutes of the Meeting held on 05-08-2022 with representatives of Postal Joint Council of Action (PJCA) consisting NFPE & FNPO and General Secretary of AISBCEU in connection with strike notice on 10.08.2022.

A Meeting with representatives of Postal Joint Council of Action (PJCA) consisting NFPE & FNPO and General Secretary of AISBEU in connection with nationwide postal strike notice on 10.08.2022 was held under the Chairmanship of DGPS on 05/08/2022 in Dak Bhawan, New Delhi. Secretary (Posts) also graced the occasion with his presence. A detailed item wise reply to the Charter of Demands was already supplied to the Federations/Associations along with appeal from the DGPS for calling of the proposed Nationwide Postal strike on 10.08.2022.

2. DDG (P) welcomed all the officers and representatives of Federations/Associations present in the meeting. Director General Postal Services, in his introductory remarks, appreciated the role of the Service Associations for betterment of the Department.

3. The representatives of the Federations/Association appreciated the Department for arranging a cordial meeting and positive steps taken by the Department in the recent past.

4. Various issues regarding Charter of Demands were discussed as under: -

4.1 Director General Postal Services informed that in the morning of 05/08/22 the Hon'ble Minister addressed all the Heads of Circles of the Department through Video Conference. The Hon’ble MoC assured that there was no proposal for corporatization of the Department of PostsThis was welcomed by all.

4.2. DDG (RB&Plg) informed that there is no scheme named Dak Mitra running in the Department of Posts and also informed that there is an effort to provide basic postal services to all, through the Common Service Centers. The effort of the Department is to increase revenue, reduce losses and provide postal services to the citizens at their door steps. Simultaneously, the Department should be enabled to compete with the private players working in this field.

 4.3. DDG (FS) apprised the participants about the concept of IPPB, its work and its future plans. Secretary (Posts) also highlighted the efforts made by the Department in making of IPPB. He told that IPPB is not a private bank, but it is working under the Department of Posts. It was further informed that there is no proposal of take over of the POSB work by the IPPB. The IPPB only provides technical support in the CBS/PLI operations.

4.4 On the issue of Road Transport Network, Member (O) explained that the Department need to have multi-modal transport network for carrying the mails. RTN has proved to be boon during the Covid 19 pandemic. Member (O) further informed that RTN and RMS are not adversaries but allies.

4.5 On the issue of strengthening of L-2 offices and merger of the offices, it was informed that the merger etc. is being done on the basis of the recommendations of the Circles. Secretary (Posts) explained that it would be more practicable if the issues related to postal operations come from the Circles after taking various stakeholders including Service Associations into confidence.

4.6 The CGM(PD) intimated that the parcel market is huge and the Department has to re-orient itself to grab the opportunity and place itself as a market leader in Parcel business. Customer oriented services is the need of the hour in the changed scenario. On this issue, Secretary (Posts) said that the ultimate benefit will accrue to the Department of Posts only.

4.7. On the issue of withdrawal of the order dated 30.06.2022 regarding merger of CRC with ICH/NSH in a single hub, the staff side urged the Department to defer the orders for the time being. Secretary assured that the final decision for the merger will be taken after taking into confidence various stake holders including Service Associations.

4.8 Member(P) informed the participants that the proposal of providing health benefits to Gramin Dak Sevaks under ESIC health scheme has not been accepted. On the suggestions of the Staff Side, it was agreed that the Department would explore the possibilities of providing health benefits to Gramin Dak Sevaks under Ayushman Bharat Scheme. The Establishment Division will examine sending a proposal in this regard to the Ministry of Health.

4.9 Member (P) discussed the issues related to the Establishment Division in detail with the participants and briefed them about the work 214 done and the steps taken by the Establishment Division. Consensus was reached on this subject, that the Establishment Division will consult all the concerned before taking a final decision on these issues.

4.10 AISBCEU wanted PA(SBCO) cadres to merge with PA cadre. It was informed that the merger will be examined by the Establishment Division on priority.

4.11 On the issues relating to Postal Accounts Wing, it was decided that Senior DDG(PAF) will be requested to give a separate meeting to resolve the issues relating to Departmental Examinations of PA Wing, downsizing and decentralization of Postal Accounts etc.

5. The meeting ended on a cordial note and DGPS urged the PJCA and AISBCEU to call off the nationwide postal strike on 10.08.2022.

List of the participants of the meeting is as Annexed.


Representatives of Federations / Associations

1. Sh. B. Shivakumar, S.G., FNPO

2. Sh. Janardan Majumdar, S.G., NFPE

3. Sh. Bharat B. Sharma, G.S., AISBCEU

4. Sh. Sivaji Vasireddy, G.S., NAPE (FNPO)

5.  P.K. Muralidharan, Dy. G.S., AIPEU Gr. C (NFPE

6.  P.U. Muraleedharan, G.S., NUGDS (FNPO)

7. Sh. S.B. Yadav, G.S., AIPAEA (NFPE)

8. Sh. Sohan Prasad, G.S. Admin Union (NFPE)

9. Sh. Debabrata Mohanty, G.S, AIPEU Postmen

and MTS (NFPE)

10) Sh. P.U. Khadse, G.S., Al RMS&MMS EU Gr. ‘C’(NFPE)

11.Sh. N.K. Tyagi, G.S., NUR-C, President, FNPO

12 Sh. K. Mukhtar Ahmed, G.S., R-IV (NFPE)

13 Sh. Nisar N. Mujawar, G.S., NUPE Postman/MTS (FNPO)

14 Sh. Manoj K. Kaushik, NAPE (FNPO)



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