Meghdoot Awards Nomination for the year 2022 | Post Office Meghdoot Awards 2022 - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Meghdoot Awards Nomination for the year 2022 | Post Office Meghdoot Awards 2022

This is regarding nomination of Postal employees/GDS for Meghdoot Awards for the year 2022 based on their Performance till 31st March, 2022. 

2. As per the procedure followed during previous year, it has been decided to select Postal employees / GDS under eight different categories as mentioned in A,rinexure -A to be felicitated during forthcoming National Postal Week / appropriate occasion. 

3. In this regard, I would request you to shortlist / select employee/GDS and nominate them for Meghdoot Awards 2022. The whole process of shortlisting /selection for nomination may be done with due diligence keeping in view following points:- 

a) That the nominee has an unblemished record of service all along and that hisArer integrity and probity are beyond.doubt. 

b) That the employee has not been penalized duirng his service career and no disciplinary or vigilance case is pending/contemplated, and, in case disciplinary or vigilance case is initiated against the official nominated in the intervening period, i.e., between the date of recommendation and frnal selection for award by this Department/felicitating the awardee, intimation to the effect is sent to the undersigned immediately

c) That the performance and productivity ofthe nominee during the year 2021-22 for the Meghdoot Awards, 2022 is rcflected in a dispassionate and objective manner in the citation. Brief citation, both in English and Hindi should be drafted in clear language devoid of any factual error in the manner indicated in Annexure 'B'

4. The complete APAR dossier is required to be sent with the proposal. In case of MTS employees, the Service Book may please be sent after completing the entries therein. In respect of each nominee for the award, Bio data/details as in the enclosed Annexure C should also be furnished. The citations in english as well as in Hindi & Annexure C must be signed by the CPMG/Head of the Circle alongwith name and designation stamp

Eligible Cadres  for Meghdoot Awards 2022.

1. AII Gramin Dak Sewak

2. Ail Multi Tasking Staff in the PostaI/RMS and MMS wings and Postman including MaiI Overseers/Cash Overseers/Head Postman and Sorting Postman and Mail Guard/Mailman etc. including similar levels in RMS, MMS and Administrative offices.

3. PostaI Assistants/Sorting Assistants doing operative working including SPMs in charge of single"handed Post Offices and similar levels in RMS, MMS and Administrative offices MMS and Stenographers Grade III, II &I.

4. General Line Supervisor cadre in all wings up to and including HSG-I

5. Inspectors of Posts and Assistant Superintendent of Posts in all Wingsi Junior Ensineers workine in Civil and Electrical Wingg; Assistant Account Officers working in Accounts Wins.

6. AII Group 'B' and Group 'A' officers up to Senior Time Scale in the Department of Posts including Foreign Posts, Postal Stores Deport, Central Stamp Depot and Private Secretariesi Accounts Officers. Senior Account Offrcers workinE in Accounts Winsi Assistant Ensineers workine in Civil and Electrical Wings.

7. Technology Excellence (A1I cadres upto Senior Time Scale)

8. Best Woman Employee (AII women officials upto Group 'B' officers)

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