Latest Steps/Procedure on How to Perform the Bank Reconciliation in CSI post office? | Dated 17th August 2022
Some changes have been made in program in order to overcome the present bank reconciliation issue in Post Office CSI.
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1. Earlier all the check details used to display in fagll03 report in assignment field and while creating bank reconciliation statement user will take these check details in assignment field from fagll03 report.
2. These check numbers comprise of characters, special characters and numbers in it and it has been observed that bank reconciliation jobs are taking time to process these checks when characters are present in it.
3. In order to overcome this, we are changing assignment field in drawing from bank clearing line item to payment document no and last two digits of fiscal year.
4. User now need to upload new statements with the same details that are appearing in fagll03.
5. Users can check the check details from Fb03- enter document- click on EnvironmentCheck Information. The check details can be found.
6. Alternatively, user can see the check details in FCHN report by entering the house bank, account ID, bank key and bank account no details
File Creation :
1. Open Excel file
2. Enter the data in excel sheet as shown in fagll03 earlier.
3. While saving file if assignment column or number is showing in this format then change the format of assignment column only from General format to Number format. Go to format- drop down menu- click on more number formats as shown below
4. After selecting number format change decimal places to zero and click on ok
5. After changing the number format as shown below click on save the file with a unique identifiable name. The filename should be saved with extension “.csv” format.
6. After saving the file in csv format go to zff67 for bank reconciliation and upload the file in select file option and save the file as earlier process.
7. The statements will be picked and processed automatically through background jobs.
Pending Open items of previous months: At present all the pending open items assignment field details of payment document number will be changed from check numbers to payment document and last two digits of fiscal year. However user can clear all those pending items at month end when feban is unlocked. There is no need of changing posting period to current period while clearing manually for previous month posted statements.
The previous month posted statements will be cleared based on uploaded details and will not be effected after these changes. Pending Open items of current month(August,2022): All the statement posted for this month and not cleared will be reprocessed and cleared at our end if all the details are uploaded correctly. Please Note – Changes are made only for drawing from bank clearing document numbers and there is no change in remittance process. User need to follow the same process which is being followed until now
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