IPPB GAG Policy Download | IPPB TaTa AIG GAG Policy Downoad | IPPB Rs 399 or Rs 299 Policy Download in PDF
IPPB Recently Launched Group Accident Gaurd Policy (GAG) policy with TaTa AIG. There are two options for customers to buy IPPB General Insurance Polciy for Rs 299 or Rs 399 premium. once after policy bought by the customer, wants to have a downloaded policy.
Steps for downloading IPPB Tata AIG GAG (Group Accident Guard) is as follows:
1. Customer has to wait for 5 days then only he can able to download the IPPB GAG Policy
2. Login to the TaTa AIG website Link https://www.tataaig.com/servicing to download IPPB TaTa AIG GAG Insurance Policy.
3. There is an option for downloading the policy click on that
4. It asks for Registered Mobile Number. enter mobile number
5. Your Policy will be Downloaded.
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