Indian National Flag FAQs | Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the Indian National Flag | Features on Indian National Flag - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Indian National Flag FAQs | Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the Indian National Flag | Features on Indian National Flag

 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the Indian National Flag. 

Q1. Is the use, display and hoisting of the National Flag guided by any overarching set of instructions?

Yes— the ‘Flag Code of India 2002’ and the Prevention of Insults to National Honour Act, 1971.

Q2. What is the Flag Code of India?

The Flag Code of India brings together all laws, conventions, practices, and instructions for the display of the National Flag. It governs the display of the National Flag by Private, Public, and Government Institutions. The Flag Code of India took effect on 26th January 2002.

Q3. Which material can be used to produce the National Flag?

The Flag Code of India, 2002 was amended vide Order dated 30th December, 2021 and National Flag made of polyester or machine made Flag have been allowed. Now, the National Flag shall be made of handspun and handwoven or machine-made, cotton/polyester/wool/silk/khadi bunting.

Q4. What is the appropriate size and ratio of the National Flag?

As per paragraph 1.3 & 1.4 of the Flag Code of India, the National Flag shall be rectangular in shape. The Flag can be of any size but the ratio of the length to the height (width) of the National Flag shall be 3*2

Q5. Can I display the National Flag at my home?

As per paragraph 2.2 of the Flag Code of India, a member of the public, a private organization, or an educational institution may hoist/display the National Flag on all days or occasions in accordance with the dignity and honour of the National Flag.

Q6. What is the timing for flying the National Flag in the open/at the home?

The Flag Code of India, 2002 was amended vide Order dated 20th July, 2022 and clause (xi) of paragraph 2.2 of Part-II of the Flag Code of India was replaced by the following clause:-

(xi) “where the Flag is displayed in open or displayed on the house of a member of public, it may be flown day and night;”

Q7. What should I keep in mind while displaying the National Flag at my home?

Whenever the National Flag is on display, it should occupy the position of honor and should be distinctly placed. A damaged or disheveled National Flag should not be displayed.

Q8. What should I keep in mind to avoid incorrect display of the National Flag?

The National Flag shall not be displayed in an inverted manner; i.e. the saffron band should not be the bottom band

A damaged or disheveled National Flag shall not be displayed

The National Flag shall not be dipped in salute to any person or thing

No other flag or bunting shall be placed higher than or above or side by side with the National F lag; nor shall any object including flowers or garlands, or emblem be placed on or above the flagmast from which the National Flag is flown.

The National Flag shall not be used as a festoon, rosette, bunting, or in any other manner for decoration

The National Flag shall not be allowed to touch the ground or the floor or trail in the water

The National Flag shall not be displayed or fastened in any manner as may damage it

The National Flag should not be flown from a single masthead top part of a flag pole) simultaneously with any other flag or flags

The National Flag shall not be used to cover a speaker's desk, nor shall it be draped over a speaker's platform

The National Flag shall not be used as a portion of costume or uniform or accessory of any description which is worn below the waist of any person nor shall it be embroidered or printed on cushions, handkerchiefs, napkins, undergarments or any dress material

Q9. Are there any rules for prevention of insult to the Indian National Flag?

Yes. In accordance with explanation 4 to section 2 of  the Prevention of Insults to National Honour Act, 1971’, the following should be observed:

The National Flag shall not be used as a form of drapery in any form whatsoever, including private funerals

The National Flag shall not be used as a portion of costume or uniform or accessory of any description which is worn below the waist of any person nor shall it be embroidered or printed on cushions, handkerchiefs, napkins, undergarments or any dress material

There shall be no lettering upon the National Flag

The National Flag shall not be used to wrap, receive, or deliver things

The National Flag shall not be used to cover the sides, back, and top of any vehicle.

Q10. What is the correct way to display the National Flag in the open/on public buildings?

As per Section III of Part III of the Flag Code of India, if the National Flag is flown on public buildings, it should be flown on all days from sunrise to sunset, irrespective of the weather conditions. It should be hoisted briskly and lowered slowly.

When the National Flag is displayed flat and horizontal on a wall, the saffron band shall be upper most and when displayed vertically, the saffron band shall be to the right in reference to the National Flag i.e., it should be to the left of a person facing it.

When the National Flag is displayed from a staff projecting horizontally or at an angle from a windowsill, balcony, or front of a building, the saffron band shall be at the farther end of the staff.

Q11. Should the National Flag be flown at half-mast?

The National Flag shall not be flown at half-mast except on occasions instructed by the Government of India. When flown at half-mast, the National Flag shall be hoisted first to the peak/top of the staff, then lowered to the half-mast position. Before lowering the National Flag for the day, it should be raised again to its peak.

Q12. Can I display the National Flag on my car?

The privilege of hosting the National Flag on motor cars is only limited to the following persons as per paragraph 3.44 of the Flag Code of India, 2002.



Governors and Lieutenant Governors

Heads of Indian Missions/Posts

Prime Minister

Cabinet Ministers, Minister of State, and Deputy Ministers of the Union

Chief Minister and Cabinet Minister of a State or Union Territory

Speaker of the Lok Sabha, Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha, Deputy Speaker of Lok Sabha, Chairman of Legislative Councils in States, Speakers of the Legislative Assemblies in States and Union Territories, Deputy Chairman of Legislative Council in States, Deputy Speakers of Legislative Assemblies in States and Union Territories

Chief Justice of India

Judges of Supreme Court

Chief Justice of High Courts

Judges of High Courts

Q13. How can we display the Indian National Flag along with flags of other nations?

As per paragraph 3.32 of the Flag Code of India, when the National Flag is displayed in a straight line with flags of other countries, the National Flag shall be on the extreme right. The flags of other nations will follow in an alphabetical order as per the English versions of names of the nations.

If the flags are flown in a closed circle formation, the National Flag is flown first and is followed by flags of other national in a clockwise manner.

When the flag is displayed against the wall with another flag from crossed staffs, the National Flag shall be on the right andits staff will be in front of the staff of the other flag.


When the National Flag is flown with flags of other nations, the flag masts shall be of equal size.

Q14. How should the National Flag be disposed?

As per paragraph 2.2 of the Flag Code of India, if the National Flag is damaged, it shall be destroyed as a whole in private, preferably by burning or any other method considering the dignity of the National Flag.

The National Flag, if made of paper, is waved by the general public, these flags should not be discarded on the ground. These should be discarded in private, keeping in mind the dignity of the National Flag.

Source: 070214.pdf Actl971_ 1.pdf

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