DG Posts Letter to FNPO, NFPE (PJCA) regarding call off the General All India Postal Strike proposed on 10th August 2022 - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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DG Posts Letter to FNPO, NFPE (PJCA) regarding call off the General All India Postal Strike proposed on 10th August 2022

This is with reference to Notice of Postal Joint Council of Action (PJCA), NFPE and FNPO for one-day strike on 10/08/2022. You may kindly appreciate that in the recent past, we have held many meetings and discussions to address various issues from the staff side and many of them have been redressed in the spirit of maintaining cordial industrial relations. In this series, the last meeting was taken by the Secretary (Posts) with the representatives’of your Federation on 05/07/2022 in hybrid mode.

2 As far as issue of Corporatization of the Department of Posts is concerned, i would like to inform you that there is no such proposal. Further, comments/action taken on your Charter of Demands is enclosed as Annexure to this letter for your information.

3. In view of the above, on behalf of the Department, I would request you to call off the proposed strike as at this juncture when we are all recovering from adverse impact of Covid-19 pandemic, any disruption in Bostal service will have detrimental effect on the Department and public at large. This may be brought to the notice of members of your Federation.

This is with reference to Notice of Postal Joint Council of Action (PJCA), NFPE and FNPO for one-day strike on 10/08/2022. You may kindly appreciate that in the recent past, we have held many meetings and discussions to address various issues from the staff side and many of them have been redressed in the spirit of maintaining cordial industrial relations. In this series, the last meeting was taken by the Secretary (Posts) with the representatives of your Federation on 05/07/2022 in hybrid mode.

2. As far as issue of Corporatization of the Department of Posts is concerned, I would like to inform you that there is no such proposal. Further, comments/action taken on your Charter of Demands is enclosed as Annexure to this letter for your information.

3. in view of the above, on behalf of the Department, I would request you to call off the proposed strike as at this juncture when we are all recovering from adverse impact of Covid-19 pandemic, any disruption in Postal service will have detrimental effect on the Department and public at large. This may be brought to the notice of members of your Federation.


RMS & other peripherals as well as other infrastructure equipment. Besides, transmission network is also being strengthened to ensure timely transmission of mail from L-1 to L-2 Mail Offices as well as L-2 Mail Offices to delivery POs.

The merger of NSH/ICHs with Level-1/Level-2 Registered Mail Offices is being implemented by the Department to rationalize the two almost similar kind of network being maintained for processing of two different kinds of accountable mail i.e. Speed Post and Registered Post. Merger of these Offices will also enable the Department to put in place an optimized Processing and transmission implementation of this merger.

Additionally, in order to tackle the issue of back-routing of mail issued detailed instructions vide letter no. 30-10/2022-D dated 26/07/2022.

Overall, merger of NSH/ICHs with Level-1/Level-2 Registered Mail Offices will enable the Department in optimization of Processing and transmission network, achieve economies of scale and will help in reducing cost of mail Operations.

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