Circle allotment to probationers of 2019 and 2020 batches of Indian Postal Service (IPoS) Group A Officers
No. 4-4/2021-SPG
Government of India
Ministyy of Communientions
Departinent of Posts
(Personnel Division)
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi - 110 001
Dated 10.08.2022
Subject: Circle allotment to probationers of 2019 and 2020 batches of Indian Postal Service (IPoS), Group ‘A’ for independent posting on completion of training.
Orders of the Competent Authority are hereby conveyed for placing the following Probationers of Indian Postal Service, Group 'A' of 2019 and 2020 Batches to hold independent charge in the Junior Time Scale of the Service in Level 10 of the Pay Matrix (Rs. 56,100 - 1,77,500) (Pre-revised PB-3: Rs, 15,600- 39,100/ + Grade Pay Rs. 5400/-) in the Circle indicated against there name, on completion of their probationary training.
SL. Name of the Officer Batch Home state Circle of allotment
No G/Shri)
1. Gautham Raj 2019 Kerala - Karnataka
2. Nikhil Jain 2019 Rajasthan Delhi
3. Gourav Jain 2019 Odisha Haryana
4, Nihal Randhawa 2020 Punjab Madhya Pradesh
3. Shivam Tyagi 2020 Uttar Pradesh Gujarat
6. Gajanan Bale 2020 Karnataka Telangana
7. Bhoor Singh Meena 2020 Rajasthan Uttar Pradesh
8. Ratan Jana 2020 West Bengal Odisha
9. Amit Dutt 2020 Uttarakhand Uttar Pradesh
10.Rahul R. 2020 Kerala Andhra Pradesh
11. Ms. Sapna Kumari 2020 Bihar Delhi
12. Mahajan Sameer Vijay 2020 Mahnsashtra Madhya Pradesh
2. The orders for station/division of posting of the Probationers to hold independent charge will be issued by the Head of Circle concerned,
3. The Head of Circle concerned will ensure that the probationer has successfully completed entire training before he/she is given independent charge. The particulars of field training yet to be completed by the abovementioned probationers will be intimated by the Director, RAKNPA, Ghaziabad directly to the respective Head of Circle, Wherever the field training is yet to be completed, the same will be completed in the Cirele as allotted for posting.
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