Change of scheduled Exam dates of LDCE AAO & LDCE GDS to Postman, MTS, Mail Guard examination in Maharashtra Circle
(Reg. No. 3525 dated 4.9.1986) Ambika Bhavan, 206 J.S.S.Road, Girgaon, Mumbai-400004. President Mohan Vibhute Satara HPO Satara-415001 Mob-9422030887, Circle Secretary Surendra S. Palav Parel MDG Mumbai-400 012 Mob-9892478236, Fin. Secretary Manoj V.Jamdade Bandra (E) PO Mumbai-400051 Mob-9819800360
No. P-111/8-1/ Change of dates of Scheduled examination 2022 dtd. 17/08/2022
Com.Janardan Majumdarji, General Secretary, AIPEU Gr' C CHQ, New Delhi-110008.
Sub: Regarding change of scheduled dates of LDCE AAO & LDCE GDS to Postman, MTS, Mail Guard examination which falls during Lord Ganesh festival in Maharashtra Circle
Request for persuasion at appropriate level. Respected Comrade,
With the above referred subject, it is to mention that DE Section of Directorate have scheduled the examination of AAO & LDCE for Postman/Mailguard on 3rd September 2022 & 4th September 2022 respectively which are very inconvenient not only for appearing candidates for these examinations but also deputed Postal/RMS staff/officers to conduct these examinations due to pick hours of Lord Ganesh festival in Maharashtra Circle. As we all aware that Lord Ganesh Festival is a major festival with its own holy importance in Maharashtra State and most of people in Maharashtra is celebrating this holy festival at their native places. Also it is noteworthy that there will be the worship days of Goddess Gauri, mother of Lord Ganesh on the actual dates of examination. So it is needless to mention that it will be the injustice to all Postal/RMS Staff as well as officer to impose these mentioned examinations during celebration of this auspicious traditional festival.
I sincerely feel that above submission will clarify the exact position and our CHQ will pursue this important issue in the mass interest of our Postal/RMS
employees in Maharashtra Circle to postpone the scheduled of above examinations after completion of Lord Ganesh festival.
With Revolutionary Greetings,
Yours faithfully,
(Surendra S.Palav]
Circle Secretary
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