Centralized Processing of Parcels (CPP), Closing of Speed Post Parcels’ bags
No.- 27-06/2021-PD
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(Parcel Directorate)
Malcha Marg Post office Complex,
Chanakyapuri, New Delhi-110021
Dated: 29.07.2022
Chief Post Master Generals
Delhi, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra,
Jammu & Kashmir, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal,
Gujarat, North East, and Haryana Circle
Sub: Centralized processing of Parcels; Closing of Speed Post Parcels’ bags.
Ref: Letter no. PCL/PO/Misc./2020-21 dated 15.07.2022 of Assam Circle (copy enclosed).
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This is with reference to Parcel Directorate letter of even no. dated 26.10.2021 whereby the centralized processing of parcels including Speed Post Parcels in Parcel Hubs has been commenced since 22.11.2021. Consolidated instructions instructions regarding the processing of all types of Parcels in Parcel Hubs, Closing of bags, etc. was also shared along with the letter dated 26.10.2021 for compliance.
2. Despite the aforesaid instructions, Assam Circle has informed that the instructions with respect to the closing of bags of Speed Post Parcels are not being followed by NSH, e-Commerce Centre, Parcel Hubs, etc. under Delhi, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Jammu & Kashmir, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Gujarat, North East & Haryana Circle as these offices are still closing bags to NSH Guwahati instead of Guwahati Parcel Hub which requires unnecessary re - handling of parcels and results in delay in processing also.
3. In view of the above, it is requested to instruct all concerned to follow instructions already issued by Parcel Directorate vide letter of even no dated 26.10.2021. However, the Speed Post Parcel Bag meant for Delhi and Srinagar will continue to be closed to NSH Delhi and NSH Srinagar instead of Parcel Hub Delhi and Parcel Hub Srinagar respectively.
4. This issues with the approval of the competent authority.
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