All India Postal Strike Postphoned | Post Office Strike Deferred by FNPO | NAPE/NUPE written a letter to call off the DOP Strike
FNPO (FEDERATION OF NATIONAL POSTAL ORGANISATIONS) written a letter to Postal secretary to postphone the all india postal strike which was decided to held on 10th August 2022. Recently on 05th August 2022 MOC (Minister of Communication) & Postal Directorate called for all trade unions meetings and as a result of it now postal unions have decided to postphone the scheduled General Strike. MOC has assured that there is no question of corporatizaion of postal department.
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Ref:No.29/FNPO/STRIKE/2022 Dated.08/08/2022
Sub: Regarding 10th August strike deferring
Ref: your letterNo.F.8/7/5022 SR
We are thankful to you for issuing minutes in respect of meeting held on 05.08.2022 regarding charter of demands of staff side and scheduled strike on 10th of this month. Further we are thankful for placing on record that there is no corporatization/Privatization of the department. We are grateful to the hon'ble MOC for his assurance on the subject. In respect of other issues such as role of IPPB etc. we have reservations and the minutes are not convincing However, the country is celebrating the 75th Independence Day and it is proud moment for us as we are at the fore front of this celebration. The department is totally involved in this celebration being entrusted with the noble work of sale of National flag to the citizens of this country. Considering this issue in general and assurance of the MOC that the department will not be corporatized/Privatized in particular, we defer the one-day strike scheduled to be held on 10th of this month for the time being.
Secretary General
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