Requirement of Mobile phones for Delivery through Postman Mobile App (PMA) | Bring your own device (BYOD) Policy
No. 20-1/2017-D-Part(2)
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
Mail Operations Division
Dak Bhawan, New Delhi
Dated: 11.07.2022
Subject: Requirement of mobile phones for delivery through Postman Mobile App (PMA) -reg.
Download the Circular on PMA Mobile Phone Requirement in PDF
This is with reference to requests received from Circles regarding replacement of faulty mobile phones or supply of additional mobile phones for delivery through Postman Mobile App (PMA) and other assigned official work.
2. Department had supplied 20,014 mobile phones in June, 2021 for the replacement of faulty/condemned mobile phones and equip the delivery staff who were not provided with the mobile phone earlier. The process of procurement of additional mobile phones for the purpose is also under process. Furthermore, a proposal on Bring your own device (BYOD) policy is also under consideration wherein the delivery staff will be remunerated for using their personal mobile phone for delivery through PMA and other official work.
3. In view of it, additional information is required to assess the requirement of mobile phones in departmental offices considering the availability of mobile phones as per the working/sanctioned strength of delivery staff. Moreover, information regarding availability of mobile phones in Branch Offices (BOs) is also required so that requirement/ replacement of mobile phones may be raised with IPPB/ PBI Division.
4. It is therefore requested to provide the information as per enclosed annexures (in excel format) through e-mail at by 20.07.2022 positively.
Encl: As above
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