Postal Training Centre (PTC) Mess Fund - Framing of Guidelines /Instructions for maintaining of PTC Mess Fund
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
Training Division
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi-110001
No. 01-24/2017-Trg Dated: 09.11.2017
Subject: Framing of Guidelines /Instructions for maintaining of “Postal Training Centre Mess Fund” “RAKNPA, Ghaziabad Mess Fund” account
Download PTC Mess Fund Guidelines in PDF
This is with reference to framing of guidelines/instructions to streamline the contribution to and operation of the fund for maintaining uniformity in the practices related to the same.
2. A Committee was constituted to examine the feasibility of streamlining the existing Training Welfare Fund (TWF) being maintained by the Postal Training Centres. In this regard, based on the recommendations of the Committee, and with the approval of the competent authority, the following guidelines /instructions for maintaining of “Postal Training Centre Mess Fund"/RAKNPA, Ghaziabad Mess Fund” account have been framed and are enclosed as Annexure-I for strict implementation by all concerned.
3. All the PTCs may send proposals for allotment of funds, along with justification, for the welfare and sports activities to the Welfare and Sports Division of the Directorate. These fundswould be utilized for various welfare, sports and cultural activities undertaken by the PTCs forthe trainees.
4, All further deductions towards/contributions to the TWF will be discontinued with immediate effect.
5. PTCs to submit-a-fresh proposal along with fult justifications for enhancement -of- financial powers-of the-Birectors of the PTCs so as to empower them-for outsourcing of manpower for housekeeping, gardening and security etc. in view of shortage of staff.
6. The existing Training Welfare Fund Account being maintained by the PTCs/RAKNPA Ghaziabad will cease to exist with immediate effect and a new account namely “Postal Training Centre Mess Fund” account will be maintained from 18t December 2017 onwards and only the mess charges as specified in para 1 (e) of the Guidelines {Instructions(Annexure-l) for maintaining of “Postal Training Centre Mess Fund’/ “RAKNPA, Ghaziabad Mess Fund” account be recovered from the Trainees/Probationers. No lodging charges will be charged, claimed or allowed to be reimbursed to the participants of the courses conducted in the RAKNPA/PTCs.
7. The instructions regarding utilization of the existing funds available with RAKNPA, Ghaziabad and the Postal Training Centres will be issued separately.
8. The receipt of this O.M. may be acknowledged to AD (Training), Room No. 348-A, Dak Bhawan Sansad Marg, New Delhi-110001
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