Post Office Ready Reckoner | 12th edition of Postal Ready Reckoner | By PTC Mysore | Dated 01.03.2022 - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Post Office Ready Reckoner | 12th edition of Postal Ready Reckoner | By PTC Mysore | Dated 01.03.2022

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Table of Contents 




1. Letter - 2

2. Inland Letter Card - 3

3. Post Card - 4

4. Book Packet - 4

5. Book Packet containing printed books - 5

6. Book Packet containing periodicals - 5

7. Registered Newspaper - 6

8. Blind Literature Packet - 6

9. Pattern and Sample Packet - 7

10. Parcel - 7

Franking System  8

Procedure for issue and renewal of license .. 9

CHAPTER III ....... 10


Value additions for traditional products ......................... 10

1. Registration: ............................................... 10

2. Value Payable Service: ............................... 10

3. Insurance ...................... 11

4. Recall of Articles ........................... 11

5. Poste Restante ......................................... 12

6. Post Box ................................................ 12

7. Identification cards ........................... 13

8. Business Reply Service .................................. 13

9. Violations of condition of Posting and action to be taken: ........................ 13

10. Articles Prohibited from Transmission by Post ................................................... 15

11. Traditional Post Matrix ...........................15

CHAPTER IV ................................................ 16

INTERNATIONAL MAILS .......................... 16

International Mail: ..................................... 16

1. International Letters ............................... 16

2. International Speed post (EMS) ................................... 22

3. International Air Parcel ............. 23

4. International Tracked Packet ............................... 24

CHAPTER – IV ......................................... 29

POSTAL COMMUNICATION – PREMIUM SERVICES................................ 29

1. Speed Post ................... 29

2. Bill Mail Service ................... 32

3. National Bill Mail Service ........ 33

4. e-Post .............................. 33

5. Direct Post ..................................................................................................... 34

6. Business Parcel –Salient features: ............ 34

7. Logistics Post ............................... 37

8. Business Post ......................... 37

9. Retail Post .......................................... 38

10. e-Payment ............ 38

11. Media Post ....................................................... 38

CHAPTER – V .............................................................. 39

MONEY TRANSFER SERVICES ....................................................... 39

1. Domestic Money Transfer Services ..................................... 39

2. International Money Transfer Services ........................... 41

CHAPTER – VI .................................................................... 43

FINANCIAL SERVICES ....................................... 43

1. Know Your Customer ............................................ 43

2. The Government Savings Promotion General Rules, 2018............... 43

3. National Savings Scheme Rules ................................... 50

1. The Post Office Savings Account Scheme, 2019 – Short Note................ 50

2. The National Savings Recurring Deposit Scheme, 2019 – Short Note ......... 51

3. The National Savings Time Deposit Scheme, 2019 – Short Note. ............... 55

4. The National Savings (Monthly Income Account) Scheme, 2019 – Short Note. ..... 57

5. The Senior Citizens’ Savings Scheme, 2019 – Short Note. ................... 58

6. The Public Provident Fund Scheme, 2019 - Short Note. ............. 60

7. The Sukanya Samriddhi Account Scheme, 2019 – Short Note. ................ 63

8. The National Savings Certificates (VIII Issue) Scheme, 2019 – Short Note. ......... 64

9. The Kisan Vikas Patra Scheme, 2019 – Short Note. .................... 66

4. Settlement of Claim ................................ 66

Payment of the Amount of National Small Savings Schemes Accounts/Certificates in the Name of Deceased Depositor(s) .................................... 66

(l) Basis of Settlement of claims .................................. 66

(2) Account/Certificate in respect of which nomination exists......................... 67

(3). Claims supported by legal evidence .............................. 69

(4) Claims without Nomination / production of legal evidence................... 70

(5) Production of death certificate ................................. 73

(6) Guidelines for sanctioning authorities ........................................ 73

(7) Payment to minor claimants ........................................................................ 74

(8) Claims of holders not heard for 7 years ......................................................... 75

(9) Settlement of claims where the claimants or near relatives are residing abroad .. 75

(10) Payment of claim ............................................. 76

(11) Transfer of account to the name of claimant ................................................ 78

(12) Entry of request for settlement of claim in register and grant of acknowledgement .......................................................... 78

(13) Maintenance of Register of Deceased claim cases ......................................... 78

(14) Procedure to be followed by Branch Post Offices ........................................... 79

(15) Reconciliation certificate ....................................... 79

(16) Claim arising on depositor become insane or otherwise incapable of managing his own affairs ..................................... 80

(17) Claims of holders not heard for 7 years ................................ 80

5. Protected Savings Scheme: - ............................................... 81

6. INTERNET BANKING ......................................................... 82

7. Mobile banking ........................................................... 85

CHAPTER-V................................................................... 87

Other Financial Services .............................................. 87

1. Electronic Clearance Service (ECS) ....................................... 87

2. National Pension System ...................................................... 87

3. Atal Pension Yojana ......................................................... 89

4. Pradhan mantri jeevan jyoti bima yojana ................................... 90

5. Pradhan mantri suraksha bima yojana ........................................ 91

CHAPTER – VI .................................................................. 93

Part I - Postal Life Insurance ............................................... 93

1 Introduction ................................................................. 93

2. Types of policies .................................... 93

1. Endowment Assurance (Santhosh) .......................................... 94

2. Whole Life Assurance (Suraksha) ................................................................... 94

3. Convertible Whole Life Assurance (Suvidha) .................................................... 94

4. Anticipated Endowment Assurance (Sumangal) ............................................... 95

5. Joint Life Insurance (Yugal Suraksha) ............................................................. 95

6. Children Policy: (Yugal Suraksha) .................................................................. 95

3. General terms and conditions ............................... 97

4. SETTLEMENT OF CLAIMS .................................................... 104


1. The Rural Postal Life Insurance ........................ 108

2. Available Plans ........................................................... 109

Whole Life Assurance (WLA) ............................................ 109

Endowment Assurance (EA) ............................................................................. 109

Convertible whole Life Assurance (CWA) ............................................................ 109

Anticipated Endowment Assurance (AEA – 20 years/15 years terms) .................... 109

10 year Rural PLI (Grama Priya) .............................................. 110

Children’s policy .................................................................. 110

3. Income Tax benefits.......................................................... 110

4. Proof of age .......................................... 110

5. Bonus ............................................................ 112

Incentive structure of PLI/RPLI .................................. 113

CHAPTER – VII ....................................................................... 114

Philately ............................................................. 114

ANNEXURE – I ................................................ 120

Postal Rates ..................................... 120

Annexure II ............................ 123

Supplementary Charges on Foreign Parcels ......................................... 123

Annexure III ................................................................................ 124

Gist on Postal Manuals .......................................... 124

Guidelines to customers transacting in various Postal products in inland mail and other financial services and details the conditions subject to which posting can be made. 124

Post office Guide – Part IV ............................................................................. 124

Annexure IV_List of RMS Divisions/ L-1 RMS/ NSH / NPH in each Circle .................... 126

Annexure V ....................................................................................................... 129

List of Postal Account Offices .............................................................................. 129

Annexure VI ...................................................................................................... 130

Period of preservation of savings bank acounts/ certificates records in post offices .... 130

Annexure VII Preservation Period of Records ......................................................... 132

Annexure VIII SB/SC Interest Table ................................... 135

Annexure IX ......................................................... 136

TD Interest Table .................................................... 136

Annexure X ................................................. 138

Postal Index Number ...................................... 138

Annexure XI ................................................................. 148

Circle Stores Depot and Postal Stores Depot in India............. 148

Speaking Points on Marketing ............................ 151

Index of SB Orders issued from 01/01/2019 .................... 162

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