Merger of Speed Post and Registered articles Hubs | Processing of Speed Post and Registered articles at one hub | NSH,ICH,L1 & L2 Offices
O. M. No. 30-1012022-D
Government of lndia
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
Mail Business (Development & Operations) Division
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi-l10001
Dated: 30.06.2022
Sub: Processing of Speed Post and Registered articles at one hub
Download Merger of Speed Post and Registered Articles Process at one Hub in PDF
This is regarding processing of Speed Post Inland Document and Registered articles at common processing hub.
2. Mail Network Optimization Project (MNOP) was launched in 2010 under which all National and State Speed Post Centres were converted to National Sorting Hubs (NSH) and Intra Circle Hubs (ICHs). Similarly, CRCs were converted to Registered L1 and Registered L2 offices
3. Presently 93 NSHs (including two hubs of APS), 148 lCHs, 91 Registered L1 (including two hubs of APS) and 225 Registered L2 offices are functioning across the country. All post offices across the country are mapped to these offices.
4. The existing hub and spoke model is in operation for more than 10 years. In present scenario the mail profile has been completely changed, therefore, keeping in view of changed mail profile structure, the whole network of Speed Post and Registered mail was reviewed and observed that:
a. 46 NSHs and Registered L1 are functioning in same city and in same premises (list enclosed in Annexure-A). Similarly, 115 ICHs and Registered L2 are functioning in the same city and in same premises (list enclosed in Annexure-B)
b. 28 NSH and Registered L1 are functioning at different locations in the same city (list enclosed in Annexure-C). Similarly, 10 ICHs and Registered L2 are functioning at different location in the same city. (list enclosed in Annexure-D)
c. 15 Registered L1 arefunctioning in a city where no NSH exists. (list enclosed in Annexure-E). Similarly, 99 Registered L2 are functioning in a city where no ICH exists. (list enclosed in Annexure-F)
d. The booking post offices mapped with these Speed Post and Registered hubs are closing separate TD and NTD bags of Speed Post and Registered articles to the Speed Post Hubs and Registered hubs respectively which are situated in the same premises and in the same city.
e. Similarly, these Speed Post hubs and Registered hubs, which are functioning in the same premises are sending Speed Post articles and Registered Articles to the delivery post offices in separate bags.
f. This existing process results into increased number of closed bags in the system. But there is no difference in treatment at the time of booking and delivery of both category of articles.
5. Therefore, it has been decided by the competent authority that the both Speed Post and Registered articles will be processed in a common processing hub. The Registered L1 offices will get merged with National Sorting Hubs (NSHs) and the Registered L2 offices will get merged with Intra Circle Hubs (lCHs).
5.1 Speed Post (NSH/ICH) and Registered hubs (L1/L2) functioning in the same premises in same city (Annexure A and B) will get merged and there will be only one processing hub which will process both Speed Post and Registered articles together.
5.2 In case of Speed Post (NSH/ICH) and Registered hubs (L1/L2) functioning at different location in a same city (Annexure C and D). Circles shall decide the office where the processing of Speed Post and Registered articles will be done together. This information should be sent by 10th July 2022.
5.3. Registered hubs (L1/L2)functioning in a city where no NSH/ICH exists (Annexure E and F). Circles will choose one location (either the location of NSH/ICH or of Registered L1/L2 where the processing of Speed Post and Registered articles will be done together at merged hub. The selection of location can be decided based upon the operational convenience, geographical condition, connectivity benefits etc.
5.4 Nomenclature of these merged hubs will remain National Sorting Hub (NSH) and Intra Circle Hub (ICH).
6. In any case no departmental staff should be transferred from one city to another city without their consent while merging the Registered L1/L2 with NSHs/ICHs. These departmental staff should be utilized in Unregistered L1/L2 hubs situated in their existing city of posting if they can't be accommodated at the merged Hub.
7. Circles shall align the mapping of delivery post offices with merged hubs and will send the revised mapping in the attached format (Annexure-G) to MB Division by 10.07.2022.
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