MCQ On Redirection of Postal Articles | Quiz Questions and Answers on Post Office (PO) Guide Part 1 Clause Nos 67-73 | Post Office MCQ Set [64]
MCQs On Redirection of Postal Articles, Multiple choice questions and answers (MCQs) on Post Office Guide Part 1 Clause Nos 67-73. SOP, Short Notes, PPT, PDF, Quiz,Online Test, Mock Test, Previous Questions and Answers, Solved Papers.Useful for Postal Exams/LDCE IPO Exam/PS Group B Exam/LGO Exams/GDS to Postman/MTS/Mail Gaurd/PA/SA Exams in postal department.
1. A postal article which cannot be delivered by the post office, to which it is addressed owing to the addressee being elsewhere may be redirected________
A Charging double the postage
B Charging 100% on the postage
C Charging 50% on the postage
D Free of charge
2. If a postal article or a notice of the arrival has once been tendered to the addressee by the post office then
A It can be redirected on discretion of postmaste
B It will not be redirected
C It can be redirected with charging 50% of the postage
D It can be redirected
3. Which one of the following statement is True in case of Interception of postal articles
A Articles cannot be intercepted while in transit
B Articles can be intercepted while in transit
C Articles can be intercepted on permission of Head of the Circle
D Articles can be intercepted on permission of Director General of Posts
4. Which one of the following statement is False where free redirection of delivered articles can be made?
A An unregistered article redirected by an agent of the addressee by reposting at the place of delivery with unopened condition.
B A registered article re-directed by an agent of the addressee, the article has not been opened and has been returned to the postman at the place of delivery with the receipt unsigned.
C An unregistered article redirected by an agent of the addressee by reposting at counter of the office
D None of these
5. In which of the following statement the article will be treated as a postal article posted for the first time and charged with postage accordingly.
A A registered article re-directed by an agent of the addressee, the article has not been opened and has been returned to the postman at the place of delivery with the receipt unsigned.
B A registered article re-directed by an agent of the addressee, the article reposted after having been opened or reposted at any place other than the place at which it was delivered
C An unregistered article redirected by an agent of the addressee, the article has not been opened and has been either returned to the postman or re-posted at the place of delivery
D None of these
6. In Which of the following statement fee on parcels be chargeable in respect of each redirection with further postage amounting to half the prepaid rate.
A Parcel re-directed to any place served by the inland post where the original address and the substituted address are within the same post town
B A parcel has been returned as unclaimed or refused for delivery to him within the delivery area of the post office of issue or the same post town
C A parcel re-directed to any place served by the inland post will except where the original address and the substituted address are within the delivery area of the same post office or are within the same post town
D Parcel re-directed to any place served by the inland post where the original address and the substituted address are within the delivery area
7. What is the fee for redirection of inland registered parcel weighing 2400 grams?
A ₹ 100
B ₹ 50
C ₹ 41.5
D ₹ 83
8. What is the period for which instructions for address change is valid in case of persons leaving India?
A Longer period may be specified, if desired.
B Three Months
C No time limit
D One Year
9. A postal article reposted after having been opened or reposted at any place other than the place at which it was delivered, will be
A Treated as a postal article posted for the first time and No postage will be charged
B Treated as a postal article posted for the first time and charged with postage accordingly
C Treated as a postal article posted for the first time and charged with postage and penalty
D Treated as a postal article posted for the first time and charged with Letter Postage
10. What is the redirection fee will be charged on inland parcels addressed to troops?
A Will be chargeable in respect of each redirection with further postage amounting to half the prepaid rate
B Will be Chargeable with Prepaid rate
C Will not be Chargeable for redirection
D Will be Chargeable with minimised postage
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