MCQ On Postal Rates | Quiz Questions and Answers on Postal Tariff | GDS,Postman,MTS,PA SA Exam MCQ Set [59] - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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MCQ On Postal Rates | Quiz Questions and Answers on Postal Tariff | GDS,Postman,MTS,PA SA Exam MCQ Set [59]

MCQs On Postal Rates of all Mail Articles, Multiple choice questions and answers (MCQs) on Inland Postal Articles Tariff, 1. Letters 2. Inland letter cards 3. Post cards 4. Book packets 5. Sample and pattern packets 6. Book packets containing printed books 7. Book packets containing periodicals 8. Registered newspapers 9. Blind literature packets 10. Parcels Short Notes, PPT, PDF, Quiz,Online Test, Mock Test, Previous Questions and Answers, Solved Papers.Useful for Postal Exams/LDCE IPO Exam/PS Group B Exam/LGO Exams/GDS to Postman/MTS/Mail Gaurd/PA/SA Exams in postal department.

1. What is the Price of Competition Postcard?

A ₹1

B ₹0.25

C ₹6

D ₹10




2. What is the Postage Rate for each article weighing 70 grams under National Bill Mail Service?

A ₹3

B ₹2

C ₹7

D ₹5




3. What is the Postage Rate for each item weighing 90 Grams under Rakhi Mail Service?

A ₹3

B ₹5

C ₹7

D ₹8




4. What is the charge for a registered parcel weighing 750 grams?

A ₹13

B ₹19

C ₹35

D ₹52




5. One Customer wants to send 25 marriage invitation cards under book post and each card weighing 80 grams, what is the Value of postage stamps he has to buy for sending invitation cards?

A ₹5

B ₹70

C ₹125

D ₹175




6. What is the Postage rate for sending a registered letter weighing 600 grams?

A ₹125

B ₹150

C ₹167

D ₹180



7. What is the charges for Post Box and Bag combined together rented for financial year?

A ₹80

B ₹100

C ₹150

D ₹250




8. What is the renewal fee for the expired Franking Machine (FM) License?

A ₹250

B ₹100

C ₹450

D ₹350




9. What is the late fee For each unregistered letter, letter card, postcard or packet?

A ₹1

B ₹2

C ₹3

D ₹5



10. What is the value of currency notes that can be dispatched by insured post?

A ₹10000

B Value Shall not exceed ₹20000

C ₹25000

D Value shall not exceed ₹100000




1.  LGO Exam Material in PDF

2. Match Inland Postal Rates

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