MCQ on Payment of Postage | Quiz Questions and Answers on Payment of Postage Stamps, Stationary of PO Guide Part 1 | GDS to Postman, PA SA Exam MCQ Set [51]
MCQs On Payment of Postage ,Multiple choice questions and answers (MCQs) on PO Guide Part 1 Payment of Postage (Clause 09 to 14). SOP, Short Notes, PPT, PDF, Quiz,Online Test, Mock Test, Previous Questions and Answers, Solved Papers.Useful for Postal Exams/LDCE IPO Exam/PS Group B Exam/LGO Exams/GDS to Postman/MTS/Mail Gaurd/PA/SA Exams in postal department.
1. Manufacturing and use of the fictitious stamps is prohibited and it is an offence punishable under
A Section 261 A of Post office act 1898
B Section 262 B of the Postal Manual Volume V
C Section 263-A of the India Penal Code
D Section 264-B of Stamp Act 1899
2. The Special registration envelopes provided by the post office , Can be used for the transmission of
A Unregistered Articles
B Registered Articles
C Both A and B
D None of these
3. The facility of prepayment of postage in cash subject to certain conditions is available for
A Letters, Inland letter card and Post Card
B Packets
C unregistered Parcels
D All the above
4. Who is the competent authority to authorize the facility of Prepayment of postage on cash and how much letter may be posted to have the facility.
A HOC, UR-500 in big city and 250 in small city, Reg -50
B DG post, UR-1000 in big city and 500 in small city, Reg - 100
C Head of the division, UR-5000 in big city and 1000 in small city, Reg -500
D None of these
5. Which of the following section of IPC (Indian Penal Code) 1860, is related to counterfeiting of Government Stamps?
A 236
B 255
C 263
D 265
6. Prepayment of postage is accepted in case of large number of un registered packets subject to a minimum of______ articles in small cities?
A 200
B 250
C 300
D 500
7. According to Section ______ of IPC 1860, anyone with the fraudulent intent of causing loss to the Government uses a used postage stamp for any purpose while being aware that such stamp has been used before, shall be punishable.
A 255
B 258
C 262
D 264
8. Why prepayment of postage desirable?
A Unpaid article not afforded any greater security in transmission
B Unpaid articles are liable to detentions for the purpose of taxing the postage due
C Unpaid article are not issued along with the special deliveries
D all the above
9. Payment of postage is normally to be effected by means of i) Postage Stamps (ii) Embossed stamps (iii) Franking Impression (iv) Revenue Stamps?
A (i),(ii) and (iii) Only
B (i) (ii),(iii) and (iv) only
C (i) and (ii) only
D All the above
10. Which of the following articles of post office bears embossed stamps?
A Postcard
B Inland Letter Card
C Envelope
D all the above
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