MCQ On Letters | Quiz Questions and Answers on Inland Post & Letters (PO Guide Part 1) | LGO Exam MCQ Set [69]
MCQs On Inland Post and Letters, Multiple choice questions and answers (MCQs) on Post Office Guide (PO) Part 1 Clause Nos 96-101. SOP, Short Notes, PPT, PDF, Quiz,Online Test, Mock Test, Previous Questions and Answers, Solved Papers.Useful for Postal Exams/LDCE IPO Exam/PS Group B Exam/LGO Exams/GDS to Postman/MTS/Mail Gaurd/PA/SA Exams in postal department.
1. Which one of the following statement is true with the meaning of Inland Post?
A Between any places beyond the limits of India which are served by Post Offices established by the Central Government
B Between any places in India and places beyond the limits of India which are served by Post Offices established by the Central Government
C The post maintained by the Central government between any places in India
D All of these
2. The term “ Postal article” is used to describe for the pusposes of the Inland, then how many classes of articles are there in India Post?
A Eleven
B Ten
C Nine
D Seven
3. Which one of the following article does not comes under category of Second class mails ?
A Sample Packets
B Registered Newspapers
C Letter Cards
D Book Packets
4. Which one of the follwing statemnt is false in case of First Class Mails Transmission?
A Fisrt Class Mails will be delivered without any special air surcharge if air transmission given
B Registered Newspapers, however, are treated in sorting as first class mail but no air lift is allowed unless they bear the required surcharges
C First Class Mails are given air transmission within the limits of Indi
D First Class Mails are given air transmission within the limits of SAARC Countries
5. Letters may be transmitted by post____
A Can be transmitted with COD facility also
B Can be transmitted with BNPL facility
C Can be transmitted with payment of postage only
D Can be transmitted with or without pre-payment of postage
6. What is the Minimum limits on Letter Dimensions in roll form?
A 12*19 cm
B 10*14 cm
C 10*17 cm
D 11*7 cm
7. A letter posted unpaid is charged on delivery with______
A Single deficiency
B Double the postage
C Double the amount of deficiency
D Treated as Parcel with postage
8. A letter posted insufficiently prepaid is charged on delivery with___
A Single deficiency
B Treated as Parcel with postage
C Double the postage
D Double the amount of deficiency
9. Which clauses of PO Guide Part 1 describes details about letters?
A Clause Nos 74-76
B Clause Nos 64-66
C Clause Nos 99-101
D Clause Nos 96-98
10. What is the late fee for a registered letter ?
A Rupees One
B Rupees Three
C Rupees Two
D Rupees Five
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