IP ASP Association 42nd All India Conference (AIC) Minutes | AIAIPASP Ooty Conference Resolution | Held on 29th & 30th June 2022
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Download 42nd AIC Minutes of IP ASP Association in PDF
Shri Babu, President and G Shri Pitabasa Jena, General Secretary Mob:9841411746 Mob:9437630182
Minutes of 42nd All India Conference held on 29th and 30th June, 2022
As notified vide No. CHQ/AIAIASP/AIC-Ooty/2022 dated 11-05-2022, the 42nd All India Biennial Conference of All India Association of Inspectors and Assistant Superintendents, Posts was held on 29th and 30th June, 2022 (Wednesday & Thursday) at GEM PARK (Hotel), Sheddon Road, Ootacamund-643001, Ooty (Tamil Nadu). Out of 23 circles, 211 delegates from 20 circles attended and actively participated in the deliberations.
Circle Branches attended the AIC: 1.Andhra Pradesh, 2.Assam, 3.Bihar, 4.Chhatisgarh, 5.Delhi, 6.Gujrat, 7.Haryana, 8.Himachal Pradesh, 9.Jharkhand, 10.Karnataka, 11.Kerala, 12.Madhya Pradesh, 13.Maharastra, 14.Odisha, 15.Punjab, 16.Rajsthan, 17.Tamilnadu, 18.Telangana, 19.Uttarpradesh and 20.West Bengal.
Deliberations on following issues have taken place and approved by the august house.
1. Confirmation of the minutes of 41st Biennial Conference of the Association held at Bhubaneswar on 1st and 2nd February, 2020.
Shri Pitabasa Jena, General Secretary of the Association read out the minutes of the 41st Biennial Conference of the Association held at Bhubaneswar on 1st and 2nd February, 2020 and it was approved by the august body.
2. Approval of Biennial report of CHQ for the period from 2nd February-2020 to 28th June, 2022.
General Secretary presented the biennial report and it was unanimously adopted and approved by the house.
3. Approval of Audited accounts of CHQ for the period from 1st February, 2020 to 29th June, 2022.
Treasurer presented the audited (internal) accounts for the period from 01-02-2020 to 29-06-2022 and was approved by the house.
4. Obituary (After 01-02-2020): -
Some of the cadre members passed away during the period since last All India Conference and few of them also lost their life due to Covid-19 while discharging official duties. The All India Conference paid homage to the departed souls with two minutes silent prayer.
5. Felicitation to Special Guests:-
The Association felicitated the special invitees namely Shri Janardan Sharma, Ex-General Secretary, Shri Roop Chand, Ex-General Secretary, Shri Nirmalya Mitra, Ex-President and Shri Arup Seal Ex-General Secretary (I/C).
6. Organizational and Financial review:-
The august body took review of organization functioning such as Circle Working Committee Meetings, Circle Conferences and emphasized on reviving of the only defunct NE Circle Branch. Payment of CHQ Quota by the Circle Branches in regular manner was emphasized.
During the period since last All India Conference, two Central Working Committee meetings have been conducted on 03-01-2021 in virtual mode and on 21st & 22nd November, 2021 at Hotel Hampshire, Hyderabad.
7. Subject Matter of debate/discussion and decision thereon-
(a) Cadre Restructuring of Inspector Posts cadre:-
As per agenda elaborate discussions took place and the entire house expressed its concern over the issue. The General Secretary informed the house that the Minutes of Postal Services Board (PSB) containing approval of Cadre Restructuring proposal of Inspector Posts Cadre was issued on 09th December, 2020 and the proposal was submitted by the Department to Department of Expenditure 16 April-2021. Department of Expenditure made some queries during 2nd week of August-2021 on the said Proposal. For compliance the queries, particularly the time period taken for promotion from ASP to Postal Superintendent, Directorate called for the information from Circles and on receipt of information submitted the compliance to DoE during last week of December, 2021. DoE again returned the proposal with some observations for resubmission with compliance.
The Department has resubmitted the proposal to DoE with compliance on 03-06-2022 and it is under consideration at DoE now.
On this issue the August House also passed a resolution for requesting Secretary, Department of Posts and Director General (Posts) to look into the matter personally for getting the nod of DoE and implementation of Cadre Restructuring of Inspector Posts Cadre in the Department of Posts.
The AIC also authorized the coming body to explore and take a decision to seek redressal from the court of law for implementation of Cadre Restructuring in a time bound manner if delay occurred.
(b) Grant of Non Functional Grade pay of Rs.5,400/- (Level-9) on completion of 4 years in Grade Pay Rs.4,800/- (Level-8)
This Association keeps on urging the Department for issuance of common order for grant of Non-functional Grade Pay of Rs.5,400/- in PB-2 in 6 CPC or the corresponding Pay Matrix Level-9 in 7th CPC to similarly situated employees. In turn, the Department of Post vide Directorate Letter No.4-7/2019-PCC dated 06-11-2019 asked all the Circle to furnish financial implications involved in the proposal along with number of such officers.
Subsequently while examining the inputs / reports submitted by Circles at Directorate, it was pointed out that the reported financial implications were without the concurrence of CIFA concerned, and Directorate again vide Letter No.2-25/2019-PCC dated 20-03-2020 asked all the Circles to resubmit the requisite report on financial implications in the proposal after getting it duly concurred by CIFA and approved by HoC. Almost seven months’ time was taken within the Department for collection and compilation of the information and
finally the Department submitted a comprehensive proposal to Department of Expenditure vide ID note No. 2-25/2019-PCC dated 03.03.2021 seeking blanket approval to extend the benefit to all similarly placed Group "B' officers of Department of Posts. Department of Expenditure vide I.D. note No. 6(3)/E.III(B)/2018 dated 13.04.2021 did not agree to extend the benefit of Level-9 (corresponding to Grade Pay Rs.5400) on Non-Functional basis to all similarly placed Group 'B' officers of Department of Posts.
Thereafter, being aggrieved on the denial the central Association filed OA No.506/2021 before the Hon’ble Central Administrative Tribunal, Hyderabad Bench. The Hon’‘ble Tribunal vide its order dated 02-12-2021 has quashed and set aside DoE id Note dated 13-04-2021 and subsequent letter of DoP dated 08-06-2021 with a direction to the respondents to grant Rs.5,400/- to the applicants from the date they are eligible with consequential benefits thereof. Further the Hon’ble Tribunal has made it clear that the judgment is rendered in rem so that other similarly placed employees are not compelled to knock the doors of the tribunal. Three months’ time from the date of receipt of the order was allowed to the respondents for implementation by the Hon’ble Tribunal.
In turn the DoP had sought for approval of the DoE, and DoE has returned the file for resubmission with details of updated financial implication involved. Apparently, this task is being performed at a dilatory speed which is ultimately causing delay to the implementation of the order of the Hon’ble Tribunal.
It is also learnt that the DoP has filed an MA before the Hon’ble CAT Hyderbad for extension of time. Association has also filed Contempt Petition vide Diary No.607/2022.
On this issue the August House also passed a resolution for requesting Secretary, Department of Posts and Director General (Posts) to look into the matter personally for implementation of the order of the Hon’ble Tribunal.
The All India Conference further resolved that the General Secretary of All India Association of Inspectors and Assistant Superintendents, Posts is hereby authorized to take all actions on behalf of the Association in the said regard including but not limited to sign, verify and file Original Applications/Petitions, Review Petitions/Applications, Writ Petitions, Applications, Replies, Rejoinders, Affidavits, Counter Affidavits, Caveat Petitions, Special Leave Petitions, Appeals, affirm pleadings, withdraw’ the Petitions/Appeals/ Applications/O.As etc. and to engage Advocates and execute Vakalatnaamas in their favour and further, to execute any other documents that may be necessary in connection herewith and to take such other actions as may be deemed appropriate to defend and prosecute all the actions in relation thereto.”
(c) PS Group-B promotion and Recruitment Rule.
After elaborate discussions the AIC ratified the Association stand as communicated to Postal Directorate vide its Letter No.CHQ/AIAIPASP/Corr-01-56/2020 dated 26th October, 2020,
No.CHQ/AIAIPASP/Corr-01-116/2022 dated o7% March, 2022, No.CHQ/AIAIPASP/Corr-01-125/2022
dated 31st March, 2022 and No.CHQ/AIAIPASP/Corr-01-127/2022 dated 12" April, 2022. The AIC is of
the view that the vacancies should be filled according to the Recruitment Rules in force when the vacancies arose, and existing Recruitment Rules should continue to be in force till the new rules come into force.
The AIC also ratified the decision of seeking redressal by filing OA No.1182/2021 before the Hon’ble Central Administrative Tribunal, Principal Bench, New Delhi challenging the applicability of
DoPT OM No. AB14017/2/1997- Estt.(RR)/Pt. dated 19.01.2007 in PS Group ‘B’ Recruitment Rule having no direct Recruitment element and calculation of vacancy by Postal Directorate in contravention of Rules.
The All India Conference resolved that the General Secretary of All India Association of Inspectors and Assistant Superintendents, Posts is hereby authorized to take all actions on behalf of the Association in the said regard including but not limited to sign, verify and file Original
Applications/Petitions, Review Petitions/Applications, Writ Petitions, Applications, Replies, Rejoinders, Affidavits, Counter Affidavits, Caveat Petitions, Special Leave Petitions, Appeals, affirm pleadings, withdraw the Petitions/Appeals/ Applications/O.As etc. and to engage Advocates and execute Vakalatnaamas in their favour and further, to execute any other documents that may be necessary in connection herewith and to take such other actions as may be deemed appropriate to defend and prosecute all the actions in relation thereto.”
The All India Conference further resolved to convey its dissent on effecting promotion issued vide Postal Directorate No.9-27/2019-SPG-II dated 02-06-2022 basing on the result of LDCE held on 29th November, 2020 as the vacancy against which promotion is effected is in contravention of the existing Recruitment Rule which is subject to final outcome of court cases i.e., OA No.387/2018 in CAT, Ernakulum Bench, OA No. 1157/2020 in CAT, Kolkata Bench, OA No.1675/2020 in Principal Bench, New Delhi OA No. 1182/2021 (tagged with OA No. 1675/2020), OA No. 483/2021 at CAT, Bengaluru Bench and other related court cases on the subject matter, if any
After elaborate discussions the AIC concluded that “Post based” vacancy calculation as per the Postal Service Group-B Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 1993 should continue to strike the balance or otherwise the AIC is in favour of scrapping the Limited Departmental Competitive Examination
(LDCE) for promotion to PS Group “B” as was done with scrapping fast track LSG and Postmaster Grade LDCEs.
8. Resolutions adopted:-
The following resolutions are adopted unanimously by the august house: -
“Periodical Cadre Review is an important part of personal management in the organization. It plays a vital role in the smooth functioning of the cadre and in keeping the morale of its members. Cadre structure needs to be reviewed periodically to harmonise the functional needs of the organization and career progression of the employees. The prescribed ideal periodicity is five years.
Unfortunately, the Cadre Restructuring of Inspector Posts Cadre has not taken place since 1979 contrary to the guideline of conducting the Cadre Restructuring after every five years.
The proposal for cadre restructuring of Inspector Posts was submitted originally on 16th April, 2021 by Department of Posts to Department of Expenditure (DoE) is still under consideration of the Nodal Department for approval.
Therefore, 42nd All India Conference at Ooty unanimously resolved to request Secretary, Department of Posts and Director General (Posts) to look into the matter personally for getting the nod of DoE and implementation of Cadre Restructuring of Inspector Posts Cadre in the Department of Posts in a time bound manner.”
“The Hon’‘ble Central Administrative Tribunal, Hyderbad Bench vide its order dated 02-12-2021 in OA No.506/2021 has quashed and set aside DoE id Note dated 13-04-2021 and subsequent letter of DoP dated 08-06-2021 with a direction to the respondents to grant Non-Functional Grade Pay of Rs.5,400/- to the applicants from the date they are eligible with consequential benefits thereof. Further the Hon’ble Tribunal has made it clear that the judgment is rendered in rem so that other similarly placed employees are not compelled to knock the doors of the tribunal. Three months’ time from the date of receipt of the order was allowed to the respondents for implementation by the Hon’ble Tribunal.
The 42nd All India Conference at Ooty deliberated on the issue and unanimously resolved to request Secretary, Department of Posts and Director General (Posts) to look into the matter personally for implementation of the order of the Hon’ble Tribunal”.
“The 42nd All India Conference at Ooty deliberated on the unilateral reliance of the Department on Department of Personnel and_ Training (DoPT) OM bearing No.AB.14017/2/1997-Estt. (RR)/Pt. dated 19-01-2007 in contravention of extant Recruitment Rules and unanimously resolved to convey its dissent to Secretary, Department of Posts and Director General (Posts) on effecting promotion issued vide Postal
Directorate No.9-27/2019-SPG-II dated 02-06-2022 basing on the result of LDCE held on 29th November, 2020 which has further tilted the balance as the number of persons promoted under one stream far exceeds the number of prescribed percentages of cadre strength for the particular stream against the persons supposed to be appointed through the other stream”.
“The 42nd All India Conference at Ooty reaffirmed its strong conviction that OM dated 19.01.2007 issued by the Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT), dealing with the vacancy-based recruitment, has no application in PS Group ‘B’ recruitment as the recruitment to the PS Group ‘B’ Service is by way of promotion only and the same is being governed by the RR of 1993.
The 42nd All India Conference at Ooty deliberated on the issue and unanimously resolved to convey its disagreement for revision / amendment of Postal Service Group ‘B’ Recruitment Rule from Post-based to vacancy based, if any is being considered by the Department including the draft notification issued vide Department of Posts (Personnel Division) No.9-14/2010-SPG dated 03-04-2019.
Further, the 42nd All India Conference at Ooty proposes for continuance of Post- based vacancy calculation as per the Postal Service Group-B Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 1993 to strike the balance or otherwise the AIC proposes for scrapping the Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LDCE) for promotion to PS Group ‘B’ as was done with scrapping of fast track LSG and Postmaster Grade LDCEs and filling up the entire PS Group ‘B’ Posts from Inspector Posts cadre by promotion through seniority cum-fitness as it is the only promotional avenue for the Inspector Posts Cadre.”
“As per the deputation policy issued by India Post Payments Bank (IPPB) vide para of Circular/Oi having reference No.IPPB/HR/2022-23/01 dated 04" April, 2022, IPPB has proposed equivalency pay matrix of Scale-I for Central Govt Employees in Level-8 with 3 years of experience and in Level-7 with 5years experience in 7" CPC. Originally the Inspector Posts in Level-7 with 2 years of regular service were granted Scale-II on deputation to IPPB as per old deputation policy.
The 42nd All India Conference at Ooty deliberated on the issue and unanimously resolved to request Secretary, Department of Posts to look into the matter for continuance of Scale-II to the Inspector Posts in Level-7 on deputation to IPPB ”.
“As per the Model Calendar for conducting DPCs, the prescribed timeline for getting ready the approved select panel for the vacancy year is 31*%* December of the preceding year. The delay in convening DPC is resulting in deprivation of timely promotion to the eligible candidates and further worsening the existing stagnation. Even some eligible candidates are retiring on superannuation without getting the much-awaited promotion due to delay in DPC and losing their consequential benefits permanently.
Therefore, 42nd All India Conference at Ooty unanimously resolved to request Secretary, Department of Posts for convening the supplementary DPC for the year 2020 and regular DPC for promotion to the cadre of PS Group ‘B’ for the vacancy year 2021 and 2022 urgently”.
“Once an Inspection Questionnaire is issued in compilation form immediately supplementary questionnaires goes on added causing difficulty to the Inspecting Authorities. The 42nd All India Conference at Ooty unanimously resolved to request Inspection Unit of Postal Directorate for test checking of the feasibility at the field level before addition/alteration in Inspection Questionnaire and to issue in compilation form only (may be in soft copy)”.
“Adhoc promotion to the post of PS Group ‘B’ is being made by some Circles on the basis of the Circle seniority list of IPs, by some Circles on the basis of the All-India seniority list of IPS and by some Circles on the basis of Circle seniority list of ASPs.
The 42nd All India Conference at Ooty deliberated the issue and of the view that since the adhoc/officiating arrangements is being made at Circle level for short term vacancies, it may be made from Circle seniority list.
The 42nd All India Conference at Coty unanimously resolved to urge upon the Postal Directorate for issuance of a guideline/clarification particularly if Circle seniority list of IPs or All-India seniority list of IPs is to be followed by the Circle while making adhoc/officiating arrangements in PS Group-B Cadre for uniformity”.
“The 42nd All India Conference at Ooty gone through the Resolution No.CWC-01/22-05-2022 of Odisha Circle Branch regarding issuance of rotational transfer for the year 2022-23 in total disregard to the transfer Policy Guidelines dated 17-01-2019 and specific guidelines for the year 2022-23. The said Resolution has been communicated to Chief PMG, Odisha Circle, Bhubaneswar-751001 vide Odisha Circle Branch Association Letter No.AIAIPASP/Corr-01/05/2022 endorsing copy to CHQ.
The 42nd All India Conference at Ooty deliberated on the issue and unanimously resolved to forward the copy of the said resolution which is self-descriptive to the Secretary, Department of Posts and Director General (Posts) for adjudication in the matter and to advise the Chief PMG, Odisha Circle, Bhubaneswar-751001 for posting of the General Secretary of the Association, who has been transferred in the said rotational transfer from Bhubaneswar before completion of Post/Station Tenure, in any post having desk job at Bhubaneswar as a matter of goodwill so that the services of the General Secretary can be utilized by the Central Association”
“The 42nd All India Conference at Ooty unanimously resolved to request Secretary, Department of Posts to consider issuance of revised SIU norms for Inspectors and Assistant Superintendents of Posts considering evolving performance standard and work norms in the changed scenario”.
“The 42nd All India Conference at Ooty unanimously resolved to request the Secretary, Department of Posts for consideration of Annual Medical Examination for Inspectors and Assistant Superintendents of Posts of age 40 years and above in the empanelled Hospitals at prescribed rate which may be reimbursed as in case of Central Civil Services Group-A officers.”
9. Amendment to Constitution.
The 42nd All India Conference at Ooty unanimously approved the amendment in Article-38 of the constitution of the Association as below:
Existing Proposed
Article 38 Subscription:- The monthly Article 38 Subscription:- The monthly
subscription shall be Rs.100/- (Rupees | subscription shall be Rs.150/- (Rupees
One Hundred only) per member, payable | One Hundred Fifty only) per member,
monthly through check off system by | payable monthly through check off
deductions from the salaries by Drawing &} system by deductions from the salaries Disbursing Officers (DDOs) @ Rs.100/-| by Drawing & Disbursing Officers (DDOs) (Rupees One Hundred only) per month. @ Rs.150/- (Rupees One Hundred However, in case of new members, they | Fifty only) per month. However, in case can exercise their option in the month of | of new members, they can exercise their April and deduction of subscription] option in the month of April and @Rs.100/- (Rupees One Hundred only) | deduction of subscription @Rs.150/- per month will be made by the DDO]| (Rupees One Hundred Fifty only) per concerned from 1% July of that year. Entire | month will be made by the DDO deducted subscription will be remitted to] concerned from 1% July of that year. the Circle Branch. 40% of the subscription Entire deducted subscription will be will be allocated to CHQ and the remaining | remitted to the Circle Branch. 40% of 60% to Circle Branch (by Circle Secretary). the subscription will be allocated to CHQ
[Amendment approved vide Directorate No.15-| and the remaining 60% to Circle Branch 03/2016-SR dated 19" March, 2019] (by Circle Secretary)
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