Highlights of 110th report on Pensioners Grievances | Centralized Pensioners Grievance Redressal and Monitoring System (CPENGRAMS) - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Highlights of 110th report on Pensioners Grievances | Centralized Pensioners Grievance Redressal and Monitoring System (CPENGRAMS)

Highlights of 110th report on Pensioners’ Grievances-Impact of Pension Adalats and Centralized Pensioners Grievance Redressal and Monitoring System (CPENGRAMS)

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1) The Department related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Personnel, Public Grievances, Law and Justice has taken up the subject ‘Pensioner's Grievances- Impact of Pension Adalats and Centralized Pensioners Grievance Redress and ‘Monitoring System (CPENGRAMS)'for detailed examination.

2) The Committee observes that retirees are made to run from pillar to post for redressal of their pension related grievances.

3) ‘Pension’ is an essential component of the socal safety net.

4) Pension systems have been reformed in many countries around the world during the last three decades to make them fiscally sustainable and to expand coverage across ‘occupational groups and income spectrum.

5) India has also made a shift to defined contribution funded pension system called ‘National Pension system (NPS) in 2004,

6) Indian pension landscape

7) Givil Service Pension Schemes for the Central and state government employees who Joined the service before 2004

8) Employee's pension scheme administered by Employees’ Provident Fund (Organization forthe notified establishments both in public and private sector employing 20 or more employees

9) Occupational Pension Schemes run by public sector enterprises

10) National Pension Scheme applicable fo central government employees (except forthe ‘armed forces) joining service on or after January 1, 2004 among others.

11) Department of Pensions and Pensioners’ Welfare (DoPPW), Ministy of Personnel Public Grievances and Pensions is the nodal Department for formulation of policy and coordination of matters relating to retirement benefils to Central Goverment Employees including pensions.

12) The approximate number of Central Govemment Pensioners (including family pensioners) as on 31.03.2020.

Category of Central Government pensioners| No.of Pensionersas on March 31, 2020,

Civil - 10,95,352

Defense - 32,77,742

Postal - 3,31,358

Railway - 15,30,268,

Telecom - 4,38,898

Total - 66,73,421

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