Flight Booking Portal Launched for Air Travel of Central Government Employees (CG) | Launching of GOI portal to facilitate Air travel of Government Employees - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Flight Booking Portal Launched for Air Travel of Central Government Employees (CG) | Launching of GOI portal to facilitate Air travel of Government Employees

                                      File M-13025(11)/57/2022-LPG-PNG

Government of India

Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas


Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi

Dated: June 10, 2022


Sub: Launching of GOI portal to facilitate Air travel of Government Employees.

 Download Flight Booking Portal Guide in PDF

M/s Balmer Lawrie and Co. Ltd. is a Public Sector Company under this Ministry and is one of the three entities authorized by Department of Expenditure for booking air tickets in respect of Central Government Employees. To improve user convenience and the quality of experience, the company has launched a dedicated portal for booking air tickets, exclusively for Central Government employees. The URL and QR code to access the portal is as under:



2. The new portal has a number of exclusive features. A brief note explaining the features is attached for quick reference.


3. As the portal is meant to be used as a self-service portal, I write to request that wide publicity of the portal may be made amongst the employees of your Ministry/Department and


Employee booking portal — Direct Payment Basis only

1. How to reach to website, dedicated for Government of India employee portal?

URL - https://govemp.balmerlawrietravelapp.com/

Scan QR code to reach to website

2. Login and Registration page

3. Once you click on customer Registration form - will appear, where employee has to complete the registration Please note — Registration can be done only with government official mail address, system will not accept any private mail address like gmail.com, yahoo.com, rediffmail.com or any other private domain.


4. Activation mail -Once you will submit registration form then system will generate a mail and sent to your official government mail address- user need to click the link to activate the user id.

5. ID activated - Once User id is activated then user can login into the system and get the tickets booked.

6. Dependent (family members) - User can add update their family members details directly by themselves by Edit Profile->Dependent tab->now enter the details.

7. Travellers Profile update — User can directly update the details of Name, DOB, Address through Edit profile or any further update you can write to govemp@balmerlawrie.com

8. Gov Portal Fare- Gov Portal shows corporate fare for all airlines except Airlindia. Air India Retail fare is available.

9. Web-Check-in — Web-Checking booking needs to cancel calling the call centre 0124-4603500 / 0124-6282500 as this booking is not authorised by airlines to cancel online.

10. Search Screen

11. Listing Screen with Airlines Results

12. Write to us



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