Filling up of Vacancies in DOP (Department of Posts) | India Post is going to fill up 97104 Vacant posts by 2023 | GDS,MTS,Postman, PA SA Vacant Posts
F.No. W-18/2/2022-SPN-I
Government of India
Ministry of communications
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi - 110001
July 15, 2022
Subject:- Filling up of Vacancies and Recruitment Plan.
Download Circular on filling up of DOP Vacany in PDF
Government has decided to fill all vacant posts, including the vacancy upto December 2023, on a Mission Mode approach. Based on the information provided by Circles, 87475 vacancies (upto 31.12.2021) were reported to Department of Personnel & Training (DOPT), Nodal Department for Mission Mode Recruitment Plan. After taking into account the likely retirement during 2022 and 2023,
Department of Posts is required to fill at least 97104 posts upto 2023, by all modes of recruitment as per respective RRs. Circles are therefore directed to ensure that vacancy for each cadre / each mode of recruitment is calculated correctly and all vacancies are included in the recruitment process. It may also be ensured that chain vacancy due to promotion from feeder cadre to higher cadre is also included in the vacancy for the feeder cadre.
2. Recruitment to Postal Assistant / Sorting Assistant (PA/SA) is done through examination conducted by the Department (in Circles) as well as through Staff Selection Commission. As Circles have already issued notification for conducting recruitment to the posts of PA/SA, it is imperative that vacancy is calculated correctly. Apart from the standard procedure for calculating the vacancy, following additional factors may be taken into consideration while calculating the vacancy of PA/SA:-
a) Orders for cadre restructuring of PA/LSG/HSG-II/HSG-I of Post Office were issued in 2016 and 2017, as per which additional posts were to be created at LSG/HSG-II/HSG-I/ HSG-I(NFG) levels and equal number of posts were to be abolished from PA level. However, posts of HSG-I and HSG-II have not been filled up due to non-availability of eligible officials in respective feeder grades. In this regard, Establishment Division. vide their letters No.2504/2012-PE- I(VolL.IIL) dated 05.12.2018 and 03.02.2022, has issued orders that posts at higher level(s) will be created only after assumption of charge by the promoted officials. Since, posts of HSG-I and HSG-II have not been filled up even upto the pre-cadre restructuring level, additional posts
supposed to be created in HSG-II and HSG-I levels are yet to be created and therefore should be operated at PA level. In the past, Circles had straightway reduced the number of posts at PA level, which resulted in lower intake of PA. This may be addressed properly while calculating the vacancy for 2022.
b) DPC for promotion to LSG may be concluded without any further delay and the resultant vacancy, due to promotion of PA/SA to LSG, in PA/SA may be included in the vacancy of PA/SA for the year 2022. Taking into consideration the likely refusal of promotion to LSG, extended panel may be prepared in advance so that promotion orders are issued against refusal without wastage of time. Further, controlling officer may be advised to seek acceptance or refusal of the promoted officer in a day or two so that time is not wasted for issuing promotion orders against refusal.
c) All vacancies excluding those under litigation or for which recruitment process is going on should be included in the recruitment process for 2022.
3. Recruitment to all vacant posts of MTS, Postman and Mail Guard is to be done either by seniority or by examination conducted by Circles. As Circles are in the process of issuing notification for conducting examination for recruitment to the posts of MTS, Postman and Mail Guard, it is imperative that vacancy is calculated correctly. Apart from the standard procedure for calculating the vacancy, following additional factors may be taken into consideration while calculating the vacancy of MTS, Postman and Mail Guard:-
a) There are some vacancies prior to the period 31.03.2018 which were to be filled from open market as per the RRs prevailing at that time. These vacancies may be communicated to Directorate for taking a decision on the manner in which these are to be filled.
b) Vide letter No.03-03/2019-SPN-I dated 17.05.2022, instructions have been issued to Circles that unfilled vacancies of MTS, Postman and Mail Guard for the period 01.04.2018 to 31.12.2021, excluding the vacancies which are sub judice, shall be added to the vacancies for the year 2022 and thereafter recruitment to all thse vacancies shall be carried out as per the provisions of respective RRs.
c) MTS, Postman and Mail Guard are eligible for appearing in the LDCE for promotion to the posts of PA/SA. Therefore, resultant vacancy due to promotion of MTS, Postman and Mail Guard to the posts of PA/SA on the basis of examination to be conducted in 2022 shall be included in the vacancy for 2022. Therefore, results of MTS, Postman and Mail Guard examination shall be declared after results of LDCE for promotion to the posts of PA/SA.
d) Similarly, MTS eligible for promotion to the posts of Postman and Mail Guard PA/SA.
Therefore, resultant vacancy due to promotion of MTS, Postman and Mail Guard to the posts of PA/SA on the basis of seniority or examinations to be conducted in 2022 shall be included in the vacancy for 2022.
e) In nutshell. all vacancies, excluding those under litigation or for which recruitment process is going on, should be included in the recruitment process for 2022.
4. For convening DPCs, timeline communicated vide DO letter No.W-17/21/2022-SPN-I dated 30.06.2022 shall be strictly adhered to.
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