DOP NIC Email Migration SOP | India Post eMail Migration to NIC (National Informatics Centre) w.e.f 01st July 2022

By Admin

DOP NIC Email Migration Plan/SOP. Download DOP eMail Migration Plan SOP in PDF

The project involves the migration of the existing functional email IDs currently being managed by Core System Integrator to NIC servers.

Benefits to the Users:

1. When the user is transferred, using self-service, the new incumbent can authorise himself and change the mobile number through eforms.

2. The email shall be accessible through browsers, mobile phones, and IMAP clients such as outlook, mail etc in the desktop and mobile phones.

3. The user gets control of its account by limiting/authorising/viewing various devices, and locations

4. The user gets additional security features such as OTP based login using Kavach Application.

5. Users will be provided Personal email ID on ‘’ only.

Benefit to the Department:

1. All functional emails currently being used shall be preserved. Thus there will be a seamless transition from the older system to the new NIC email system.

2. Better audit mechanism and security control of email, thereby causing fewer email breaches. As NIC has enabled multi-factor authentication using OTP and Kavach mobile app, the users shall be able to get all suspicious details from the console.

3. Using delegated admin console, the Department can self manage all the DoP emails with ease. There shall be no vendor dependence.

How to use on (NIC Servers)

1. The accounts shall be created by the Nodal person in each circle using the delegated admin console during the migration phase and thereafter by the Central Admin. For any query/ troubleshooting, the user should contact the nodal person. The user can also approach the service desk by visiting or calling the number 1800 111 555.

2. Upon registration, the user shall get the login details using a secured second-factor authentication mechanism via OTP. The user shall retain the original email ID For accessing the email through the

web browser, the following link is to be used:

3. Each user mandatorily has to download the Kavach App from the Google Play

Store/ Apple Store to log in to the email.

a. Apple Store:

b. Google Play Store:


c. The user can also visit this link to activate and use Kavach using the


d. The following link has the details of ‘ How to use the Kavach App ’.

4. The user can activate IMAP services for usage with Desktop / mobile-based

email clients using Kavach

Roadmap for transition

1. Accessing Delegated Admin Console for managing email accounts at


a. The Circle Delegated Admin (CDA) shall submit the requisite details in

the prescribed format at Form 1 to Directorate Delegated Admin (DDA).

b. The Directorate Delegated Admin (DDA) will arrange to create the

requisite login details for the Circle Delegated Admin (CDA).

c. CDA shall be responsible for creation of all email IDs (functional email

ID only) of the respective circles using the Delegated Admin console.

They will timely monitor the creation as per the timelines prescribed in

this SOP. CDA will coordinate with DDA for any technical support. Post

transition, the CDA accounts shall be closed and all requests thereafter

will be handled by the Directorate Delegated admin (DDA)

d. Prior to applying for Delegated Admin, Each CDA has to have an Email

account on NIC Setup. The email should be or / and not Only those officials should be designated as CDA

having the NIC provided email ID.

e. Each circle will share the details of the CDA along with the contact

details and or email ID.

2. Creating email account at Circle level:

a. Each Circle Delegated Admin will create ‘only’ functional email ID

‘EXACTLY’ as currently being used. For example, if the current email

ID is , the CDA will create the new email ID

in the Delegated console as ‘ cpmg_xx ’ . (If the email ID is not exactly

same, the emails from this account will not be migrated)

b. CDA shall ensure that they cover all offices under the jurisdiction of the

circle (i.e. Circle Office, Regional Office, Divisional Offices, Post

Offices, Mail offices, Hub/processing centres, PAO/DA (P), PTC, CSD,

PSD, etc)

c. For the Directorate level, DDA will work as CDA.

d. Any new functional email ID required at the circle level will also be

created by the CDA. Optionally, the user can submit an application by

visiting the webpage: e - Forms NIC .

3. Coordination:

a. CEPT, nominated as nodal officer for handling email solution in

Department of Posts. CEPT will also takeup with the vendor for

mapping for relay services, etc. Directorate Admin Console will be

transferred to CEPT after migration to manage the email solution and

to takeup documentation, training etc after the migration.

4. Timelines and Training

a. Circles will be informed about the approach through VC on 30.5.2022.

The details of Circle Delegated Admin (CDA) should reach the

Directorate by 30.5.2022 in the prescribed format.

b. The Admin Console and requisite VPN shall be provided to CDA by

3.6.2022 by Technology Dn.

c. CDA shall create all email accounts at Delegated Admin by 17.6.2022.

d. The new NIC email system will be live w.e.f 3rd July 2022 and the

users will be able to send and receive email from this date onwards

only using the new NIC email.

e. Training will also be arranged for Circles / CDA for handling Admin

Console on 30.5.2022.

f. Webinar will be conducted by NIC for all users on 4.6.2022 & 11.6.2022

at 3.30 PM onwards for the usage of the new email system. Attending

the webinar shall be mandatory for all users from the field.

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