Dhai Akhar Vision for India 2047 - National Level Letter Writing Competition | for the financial year 2022-2023
Karnataka Postal
Circle invites participation in National Level Dhai Akhar Letter writing
campaign for the financial year 2022-2023 from the citizens residing in
Karnataka State. All schools in Karnataka are requested to encourage their
students to participate in the campaign. The silent features of the campaign
a) The theme of the Dhai Akhar
letter writing campaign will be “Vision for India 2047". The letter to be
written in English/Hindi/Kannada only.
b) The campaign will start from
01.07.2022 and the last date for posting of letter under this campaign by the participants
will be 31.10.2022. Letters posted after 31.10.2022 will not be accepted for
this Dhai Akhar Letter Writing Campaign,
c) The categories for the
campaign are as follows :-
(i) Upto 18 years :-
(a) Inland Letter Card Category
(b) Envelope Category
(ii) Above 18 years :-
(a) Inland Letter Card Category
(b) Envelope Category
d) Word Limit :- The letter can
be written on Plain A-4 size paper with a word limit of not more than 1000 words
under envelope category or in an Inland Letter Card (ILC) with a word limit of
not more than 500 words for ILC category. Only handwritten letters will be
e) Permitted Stationery: - The embossed envelope/envelope with required stamp affixed and Inland Letter Card (ILC) will be the permitted stationery for participating in the campaign.
f) The ILCs/Envelopes have to be
addressed to the Senior Superintendent/Superintendent of Post Offices of the concerned
division as per the list attached.
g) All the ILCs/Envelopes posted
for this competition should invariably be superscribed as “Entry for Dhai Akhar
2022-23” and posted in the separate post box provided at Post Office or handed
over to the Postmaster of the concerned Post Office for onward transmission to
the Divisional Office. :
h) Proof of Age: The participants
have to give a certificate of proof of their age on the letter such as “I
certify that I am Below/Above the age of 18 as on 01/01/2022”. In case of
winning letters, the age and other ID certificates will be verified by the
Divisional Office concerned.
i) Short listing: Top three
letters in each category will be shortlisted and the result of the same will be
announced by 25.12.2022 and prize will be awarded to these three entries at circle level. The selected letters at Circle level will be sent to the National level for further evaluation in each category. No individual correspondence will be made with the participants. The Circle Level results will be uploaded in
j) Prizes : The proposed prize
money to be given to the winners of Circle Level & National Level Letters
in each category are as follows :
Prize to be given to the winners
in each Category at Circle Level:
Prize Category Prize Amount
First Prize in each category
Rs.25,000/- (Rs. Twenty Five Thousand only)
Second Prize in each category Rs.
10,000/- (Rs. Ten Thousand only)
Third Prize in each category Rs.05,000/- (Rs.Five Thousand only)
Prize to he given to the winners
in each Category at National Level:
Prize Category Prize Amount
First Prize in each category
Rs.50,000/- (Rs.Fifty Thousand only)
Second Prize in each category
Rs.25,000/- (Rs. Twenty Five Thousand only)
Third Prize in each category Rs.10,000/- (Rs. Ten Thousand only)
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