Clerical Assistance to Postal Sub Divisions | Madhurai Region provided Postal Assistants assistance to Postal Sub Divisions
Providing Clerical Assistance to Postal Sub divisions — reg.
In order to effectively monitor the various activities at the Sub divisional level and strengthen administration, I am directed to convey the orders of Postmaster General, Southern Region, Madurai to provide clerical assistance to the following areas of works in Sub divisions
1. Receipt of Daks & Maintenance of Register for reply.
2. All clerical duties for opening, maintenance of PF of Postman, MTS & GDS of Sub division.
3. Preparation of drafts in connection with enquiry report, relating to complaints, claims, verification and misc. categories,
4. Maintenance of Record of services for GD, records relating to Leave, substitute arrangements, EL/CL bills, NPS, SDBS, Compassionate ground papers, ete.
5. Assisting Sub divisional head by taking reports for pre-inspection activities, CPV, PWV and all preventive check activities from concerned software.
8. Assisting SDH for monitoring all web based reports including PMA, Nanyatha, BI Tool, ete.
7. Assisting in melas relating to PL/RPLI, Aadhaar Camps,POSB, IPPB, ete.
8. Assistance in monitoring of BO transactions in DARPAN.
9. Assisting SDH for all clerical works as required from time to time.
Accordingly, the following Sub divisions are identified for provision of Clerical Assistance.
1, Nilakottai Sub division 7. Tirunelveli Sub division
2. Thuckalay Sub division 8. Ambasamduram Sub division
3. Kovilpatti West Sub division 9. Tiruchendur Sub division
4. Madurai North Sub division 10. Rajapalayam Sub division
5. Madurai South Sub division 11. Sivakasi Sub division
6. Palayankottai Sub division 12. Aruppukottai Sub division
SPOs/SSPOs concerned are instructed to attach a suitable Postal Assistant (PA) to the above mentioned Sub divisions immediately, The PA should be attached from the station, in which the Sub divisional office is located, without incurring any extra expenditure or transfer of officials. Rec
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