Calling of willingness of eligible officials for nomination as Technical Delegates/Central Observer in DOP
Government of India
Ministry of
Department of Posts
(Welfare and Sports
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi-110001
Dated: 6.07.2022
Sub: Calling of willingness of
eligible officials for nomination as Technical Delegates/Central Observer-reg.
The 36th All India Postal WL/PL/BP Tournament 2022-23 is to be held at Jaipur, Rajasthan Circle from 26th to 29th July 2022. In this regard, names of willing and eligible officials are hereby called for nominating one Central Observer and two technical delegates. The list available with the Directorate is enclosed for reference and updating. Please also indicate whether any of the officials are identified for participation in the event, as this would make them ineligible to cut as observers or technical delegates.
2. It is requested that the detail along with willingness may be furnished within one week of the receipt of this letter.
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