Cadre Management of IP ASP | IP ASP Association Suggestions for Cadre management of Inspector Posts (IP) and (ASP) Assistant Superintendents of Posts - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Cadre Management of IP ASP | IP ASP Association Suggestions for Cadre management of Inspector Posts (IP) and (ASP) Assistant Superintendents of Posts


Qr.No.12, P&T Colony, Khurshid Square, Civil Lines, Delhi 110054 e-Mail :


Dated 23rd July, 2022

Sub: - Cadre management of Inspector Posts (IP) and (ASP) Assistant Superintendents of Posts-reg.

Download IP ASP Cadre Management Association Suggestion in PDF

Ref: - Department of Posts No.X-7/15/2021-SPN-II dated 12th July, 2022.

This Association represents the whole Inspector Posts and Assistant Superintendents of Posts in the Department. There was need for inviting comments and suggestions of this Association before arriving on such an important decision.

2. The time taken for actual promotion from Inspector Posts to Assistant Superintendent of Posts is varying since inception of the cadre. This is basically due to variation in ratio between Inspector Posts and Assistant Superintendent of Posts from Circle to Circle. This could have been achieved by making the ratio uniform across the Circles. Changing of cadre management from Circle level to Directorate level will create many other hurdles in the career progression of Inspector Posts.

3. Most of the Circles are proactive in convening DPC and granting of promotion to Inspector Posts to ASP Cadre. Therefore, Circles may be allowed to ahead in convening DPC and granting of promotion to Inspector Posts to ASP Cadre during the current year.

4. If the intention is to remove the anomaly in career progression of Inspector Posts across Postal Circles then there is need to grant promotion to the seniors from the date his junior is promoted on a regular basis across the Circles with notional pay fixation to remove the anomaly in Pay also.

5. It is well known that a satisfied workforce leads to enhanced efficiency; with a greater sense of belongingness which in turn benefits the organization. Therefore, posting of Inspector Posts on promotion to ASP Cadre to his convenient place in the home Circle needs to be taken care of.

6. Final provisional All India inter-se-seniority list of Inspector Posts has been released up to the year 2004. There is always abnormal delay in finalization of All India inter-se-seniority list of Inspector Posts. There is need of finalized All India inter-se-seniority list of Inspector Posts up to two years prior to the vacancy year as per the revised eligibility in draft RR for promotion to ASP Cadre at Directorate level.

7. As per the Model Calendar for conducting DPCs, the prescribed timeline for getting ready the approved select panel for the vacancy year is 31st December of the preceding year. Directorate is failing to conduct timely DPC for vacancies arises under 75% PSS Group ‘B’ posts i.e. 649 Posts for Promotion on seniority cum fitness basis resulting in deprivation of timely promotion to the eligible candidates and further worsening the existing stagnation. How can the Directorate ensure convening of timely DPC for vacancies arises under more than 2000 Posts of ASPs?

Therefore, this Association urges for reconsidering of the decision taking into consideration the above concerns of this Association.

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