BPEF (Bharatiya Postal Employees Federation) Resolutions passed during 13th Federal Council of BPEF held at Lucknow dated 25-26 June, 2022
BHARATIYA POSTAL EMPLOYEES FEDERATION (BPEF) 13th Federal Council Resolution held at Lucknow dated 25-26 June, 2022.
(An All India Industrial Unit of
CHQ : T-21, Atul Grove Road, New
Delhi- 110 001
BPEF/13th Federal Council/
Resolution 12022 Dated: 11-07- 2022
Subject: Submission of 16 Resolutions passed during 13th Federal Council of BPEF held at Lucknow dated 25-26 June, 2022 - regarding.
The following 16 resolutions has
been passed unanimously by different delegates from various Circles and the
same is enclosed herewith for taking necessary early action to settle the
resolutions favourably please.
website: www.bpefsg.blogspot.in
Email: s.k.singhrajpootfirst@gmail.com Mob. 09450395010-8178437262
Resolution No. 1
Stop the unilateral decisions of
handing over Department of Post’s Savings Bank, Insurance, Network management
and server maintenance work to IPPB limited Company and DAK Mithra franchise
It is learnt that under IT 2.0
modernization project, Savings bank, insurance work, network management and
server maintenance work to the IPPB limited company which poses severe threat
and strong resentment among the employees of the DOP.
Though it was stated that IPPB is
400% own Government owned limited company, approval is there to sell their
shares to their open market. Moreover from the year 2000, user charges that
means postal tariff is not revised for the past 22 years which only creates the
loss to the Department. For example Post card rate is fixed 50paise in the year
2000, but 50 paise is not having any value now.
It is the duty of the Departmenv/Government to revise the user charges once in 3 years according to the DA indexed as per the General Financial Rules. One side, Postal tariff is not revised to the mail products and another side remuneration to the Savings Bank accounts from the finance ministry is being reduced gradually though SB work load and cost to run savings bank branch work are enhanced enormously after IT modernization project.
it is mockery to presume DOP is
“service department” for enhancing the postal tariff but for profit and loss,
Government is much concern on the loss sustained by the DOP because of the
principles adopted by the same government and declaring DOP is “commercial
department”. It is basic principle that selling price of any product should be over
and the above of cost price to get gain in any department.
Already tariff is fixed very
meagre when compared to the cost price of DOP products, if that revenue is also
shared with DAK Mithra franchises then it will lead further loss to the
Department and existing work load of the employees will also be affected
Hence it is unanimously resolved
that Government should not take dual stand against the Department of Posts, and
periodically revise the postal products tariff and remuneration to SB work
based on the DA and cost based without handing over the DOP Government services
to the IPPB limited company.
Resolution No. 2
Scrap New Pension Scheme
it is quite evident that even
after 18 years from the introduction of New Pension Scheme. new Pension Scheme
is not at all beneficial to the employees equivalent to the statutory old
pension scheme. New Pension Scheme employees are suffering with meagre pension
benefits and after retirement and most of the retired employees are going to
daily wages work to lead respectful life which is really pathetic to see.
Pension is a statutory obligation
to the government as per the constitutional pension act. But without amending
the constitutional act, New Pension scheme is introduced by issuing a simple
gazette notification during December 2003, which is illegal.
From 2004 to 2012, PFRDA Act bill could not be passed in the parliament because of the strong opposition of Hon'ble Members of the Parliament. On 18th September 2013 only PFRDA Act is passed to introduce the New Pension Scheme as a constitutional amendment. As per the constitution old pension and pension act cannot be superseded with retrospective effect w.e.f., 1.1.2004 by the PFRDA Act which is passed on 18.9.2013. It is highly illegal to give effect of PFRDA Act 2013 w.e.f, 1.1.2004 which is highly retrograde to the benefit of the central government employees.
Hence it is unanimously resolved
to implement old statutory pension to the employees joined in the central
government from 01.01.2004 to 17.09.2013 by converting their pension corpus to
GPF with GPF rate of interest and for the employees joined on or after
18.09.2013, 50% of the last pay drawn may kindly be ensured as pension to lead
respectful life after retirement.
Resolution No.3
Compassionate Appointment
In a reply of Dept of Post on nationwide Strike of 04-12-2018 against Demand No.2 , that change in the percentage on removal of 5 % ceiling in r/o Compassionate Appointment cases does not come under the preview of DOP, as the existing provision has been instructed by DOP&T vide it's OM.14014/02/2012-Estt.(D) dated 16.01.2013
It is hereby resolved that the
DOP should at least recommend our views i.e, removal of 5 % ceiling for Compassionate
Appointment cases to the nodal ministry or dispose the cases like Railway Dept
.Where dependent ward of deceased employees are getting Compassionate
Appointment in lower Cadre without any prescribed limit, or accommodate all
cases in GDS Cadre which were not considered despite of having ample merit in
their cases
Resolution No. 4
Cadre Restructuring of SA/MMS/CO
Resolution No. 5
Retirement financial benefit and
commutation amount
Resolution No. 6
Request to ensure 5 norm based
Promotions to all the cadres in Department of Posts like All India Service
Resolution No. 7
Grant and classify HSG | and HSG
| NFG Selection Grade supervisory posts as Group (B) Gazetted with financial
Resolution No.8
Restore Administrative Powers
vested with LSG/HSG II/HSG VHSG | NFG cadre officers in the revision of
‘Schedule of Engaging Authority, Disciplinary Authority for BPMs and ABPMs/Dak
Sevaks. ” ’
Resolution No. 9
Delay in Payment of OSA for RMS
wing staff
Ensure PSS Gr, 'B' examination
opportunity to SBCO, CO&RO & RMS cadre Staff.
Resolution No. 11
Filling up of all vacant post in
Postal Department
Resolution NO. 12
Provision of Mail Van in mail
Carrying sections train
Resolution 13
Creation of Siliguri Postal
Division under West Bengal Circle
Resolution No.14
Demanding biometric login for
login in finacle, mecamish, CSI, SAP and back offices to prevent unauthorized
login to curb the possibilities of fraud.
Resolution No.15
Ensure 5 working days in a week to Postal Operative staffs
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