SSA Scheme 2019 MCQ | Quiz Questions and Answers on Sukanya Samriddi Account Scheme 2019 | IPO Exam & LGO Exam MCQ Set [22]
MCQs On Sukanya Samriddi Account Scheme 2019,Multiple choice questions and answers (MCQs) on Sukanya Samruddi Account Scheme 2019 (SSA 2019). Useful for Postal Exams/LDCE IPO Exam/PS Group B Exam/LGO Exams/GDS to Postman/MTS/Mail Gaurd/PA/SA Exams in postal department.
1. The account may be opened by one of the guardian in the name of a girl child, who has not attained the age of 10 years.
2. Deposits may be made in the account till the completion of a period of fifteen years from the date of opening of the acct.
3. Withdrawal is allowed up to 50% of amount in the account at the end of the financial year preceding the year of application for withdrawal, Shall be allowed for the purpose that such withdrawal shall be allowed after the account holder attains the age of 18 years or has passed 10th standard, whichever is earlier.
4. In extreme compassionate ground(Life threatening disease), PMC is allowed after getting proper approval from competent authority provided that that A/C not closed before 5 years.
5. The account shall mature on completion of a period of 21 years from the date of its opening.
6. The account may also be closed before 21 years on production of intended marriage certificate of account holder.
1. The expression "family" mentioned in sukanya samriddhi account scheme 2019 is ?
A Unit consisting of a person and his spouse and their children excluding deceased person
B Unit consisting of a person and his spouse
C Unit consisting of a person and his spouse and their children
D Unit consisting of a person and his spouse and their children , adopted or otherwise
2. What is the Minimum initial deposit to open an account under sukanya samriddhi account scheme 2019?
A Rs 100
B Rs 1000
C Rs 250
D Rs 500
3. Subsequent deposit in multiple of under sukanya samriddhi account scheme , 2019 is ?
A Rs 50
B Rs 100
C Rs 500
D Rs 1000
4. Deposit has to be made in sukanya samriddhi account scheme 2019 till the completion of ?
A A period of twenty one years from the date of opening of the account
B A period of fourteen years from the date of opening of the account
C A period of fifteen years from the date of opening of the account
D Upto the girl child attaining twenty one years
5. Which of the following is correct in sukanya samriddhi account scheme, 2019 ?
A Interest shall be calculated for the calendar month on the lowest blance in the account between the close of the tenth day and the end of the month
B The account shall be operated by the guardian till the date of maturity of account
C There is a possibility of opening of account for more than two girl child in a family under the scheme
D The whole deposit of a defaulted account shall not be eligible for interest
6. In which of the following case Premature closure will be allowed in sukanya samriddhi account scheme 2019?
A Before completion of 5 years from the date of opening of the account
B On completion of 5 years from the date of opening of the account
C No premature closure is allowed
D premature allowed only in case of death
7. Which one of the following is correct w.r.t withdrawal in sukanya samriddhi account scheme 2019 ?
A Maximum of 80% is allowed of the amount in the account
B Maximum of 25% is allowed of the amount in the account
C A miximum of 50% is allowed of the amount in the account
D There is no restriction for withdrawal of amount
8. Which one of the following is correct w.r.t withdrawal in sukanya samriddhi accout scheme 2019 ?
A Withdrawal shall be allowed after the account holder attains the age of 18 years
B Withdrawal shall be allowed after the account holder has passed tenth standard
C Maximum two withdrawal is allowed in a financial year
D Withdrawal shall be allowed after the account holder attains the age of eighteen years or has passed tenth standard, whichever is earlier
9. When An account under Sukanya Samriddi Account Scheme 2019 shall be matured?
A On completion of a period of eighteen years from the date of its opening
B On completion of a period of twenty one years from the date of its openeing
C On completion of a period of fifteen years from the date of its opening
D On completion of a period of fourteen years from the date of its opening
10. Which one of the following is incorrect w.r.t closure/maturity of Sukanya Samriddi Account Scheme 2019?
A An account can be closed after completion of period of twenty one years from the date of its opening
B No such closure shall be allowed before one month from the date of the intended marriage or after three months from the date of marriage
C Before completion of twenty one year account may be closed on the ground of marriage of the account holder
D After maturity an account may be extended for a period of five years
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