Solution for DOP CBS Finacle Error | The POSB Withdrawal error | Post Office Finacle errors and Solution
Recently an error is displayed in Post Office/DOP Finacle while doing SB withdrawal transactions amounting Rs. 5,000/- or below. The error reads as 'W0205 -Error in Updateing the C_1I94NCWD_TXN Table:
Here is a temporary solution for this error until patches are deployed in Finacle.
Step By Step Procedure:
1. Invoke HTM menu.
2. Function Code: Add
3. Transaction Type/Subtype: C/NP -Cash/Normal Payment
4. Click on GO(F4).
5.Enter Debit A/c. ID (i.e. SB Account No. from which withdrawal is desired).
6.Enter the amount.
7.Enter Transaction Particulars as 'BY CASH WITHDRAWAL’.
8.Click on Post.
9.Note down the transaction ID and verify the
same using HTM/HTV menu in supervisor login.
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