SB Order No 09/2022 - Execution of HACINT menu in Finacle CBS and amendments in Rule 61(3) and Appendix-XVI of POSB CBS Manual (Corrected up to 31.12.2021) - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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SB Order No 09/2022 - Execution of HACINT menu in Finacle CBS and amendments in Rule 61(3) and Appendix-XVI of POSB CBS Manual (Corrected up to 31.12.2021)

 SB Order No. 09/2022. SB Order 09 2022. SB Order No 09/2022.

File No. FS- 10/8/2022-FS'DOP

Government of India

Ministry of Communications

Department of Posts

Dak Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001

Dated: 02.06.2022

Subject: Execution of HACINT menu in Finacle CBS and amendments in Rule 61(3) and Appendix-XVI of POSB CBS Manual (Corrected up to 31.12.2021) - Regarding.

Download SB Order 09/2022 in PDF

HIARM menu in Finacle is executed by SBCO for making adjustment in the balances and interest in the accounts of SBA Type viz. POSA / PPF / SSA and NSS 87/92, due to any reason like correction in the openingbalance, wrong interest calculation, restoration of balance in fraud cases etc. on the basis of the orders of competent authority.

2. After making entries in HIARM menu, execution of HACINT menu in Finacle is mandatory for getting the ledgers of the accounts concerned updated.

Besides, in case of closure of PPF Loan account, the ioan interest is calculated using HACINT menu. HACINT menu is presently being executed at CEPT, Chennai on the basis of requests from the Postmasters.

3. Considering the increase in number of HIARM entries and practical difficulties faced in execution of HACINT at CEPT, Chennai, it is proposed to decentralize HACINT menu wiII be executed to the CPC In'Charge of CBS CPCs in the Circle with effect from 3rd June, 2022.

4. Necessary training to the staff of CBS'CPCs has been provided by CEPT, Chennai on 13.05.2022. A detailed Standard Operating Procedure for execution of HACINT menu at CBS-CPCs level is circulated herewith for guidance to CBS CPCs.

5. In-charge, CBS'CPCs shall file the copies of the orders received in connection with the corrections made through HIARM menu, in a guard file.

6. CEPT will provide the access to HACINT menu to CPC In'charge role users.

7. Provisions of Rule 61(3) of POSB CBS Manual (Corrected up to 31.72.2021) circulated through SB Order No. 0312022 dated 18.02.2022 is accordingly amended. The texts of the amended provisions are given below.

Steps to be followed for effectins PrincinaUlnterest Adiustment in Finacle throueh HACINT Menu

HIARM menu in Finacle is executed by SBCO for making adjustment in the balances in the accounts of SBA Type viz. POSA / PPF / SSA and NSS-87192, due to any reason like correction in the opening balance, wrong interest calculation, restoration of balance in fraud cases etc. on the basis of the orders of competent authority.

The entries made in HIARM will get updated in the ledger of the accounts concerned only on execution of HACINT menu or at the time of closure of the account. Besides, in case of closure of PPF Loan account, the loan interest is'calculated using HACINT menu. At present, after making entries in HIARM menu, HACINT menu is executed at CEPT, Chennai. This activity is decentralised to Circle CPCs from 03.06 .2022 and the procedure to be followed by CPCs are detailed below.

Roles at Head Post Office Level


1) Incorrect entry in HIARM is one of the reasons for non-credit of Consolidated Annual Interest in SB/PPF/SSAA{SS Accounts during the previous financial years. Any Interest Adjustment Rectification (IAR) entry made in HIARM will appear in audit entry against respective SB/PPF/SSAA{SS account in HAFI menu. Hence, while making IAR entry in HIARM menu, it should be ensured that correct account number is updated.

2) ln case of any wrong entry made in HIARM, SBCO official concemed can delete such entry by ticking Del Flag and giving Submit.

3) Transaction Date and Transaction ID will get updated in the accounts only during End of Year (EOY) or on execution of HACINT menu in Finacle.

4) There should be no verification pending for modification in SB/PPF/SSAAISS Accounts, otherwise Annual Interest credit won't happen for which, IAR should not be made.

Hence, it should be ensured through HAFI menu before executing of execution of HIARM menu.

5) Amount entered in HIARM should not be a negative number. If the amount entered in HIARM is in minus figure, it will not get effect.

6) HIARM entry is auto-verified. It can also be modified any time before interest batch (HACINT) is executed. AII the fields are modifiable.

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