RTI Reply on HSG-I and HSG II Recruitment Rules | Relaxation of recruitment rules of HSG-II and HSG-I posts from the LSG officials in Postal Department (DOP) - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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RTI Reply on HSG-I and HSG II Recruitment Rules | Relaxation of recruitment rules of HSG-II and HSG-I posts from the LSG officials in Postal Department (DOP)

 No. AB-14017/1/2022-Estt. (RR)

Government of India

Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions

Department of Personnel & Training

RTI Matter

 Room No. 215-A/II

North Block New Delhi

Dated: June 6, 2022

Application for information under RTI Act, 2005 — Registration No. DOP&T/R/E/22/02503 dated 09.05.2022. Please refer to your request for information under RTI Act 2005.

2. Response with respect to your request for information is as under.

SI.No. | Information sought | Reply

Point No.1: 

Please furnish whether the postal department had submitted any file in respect of relaxation of recruitment rules of HSG-II and HSG-I posts from the LSG officials as one time measure to fill up the vacant posts in the postal department.

With respect to your request for information, it is informed that the reference received from Department of Posts vide their File No.X-4/2/2020-SPN-II dated 11.05.2022 is under examination.

Point No.2:

Please supply a copy of the request received from the postal department and office note and orders of the competent authority

Department of Posts is the custodian of the information sought by the Applicant.

Point No.3 :

Reply furnished by DOPT to postal department. 

The matter is still under examination.

3. A copy of RTI application has been online transferred to US/CPIO Department of Posts for providing requisite information, if any, available with them directly to the Applicant.

4. In case, if the Applicant is not satisfied with the reply provided, he may file an appeal to the First Appellate Authority (FAA), indicated below, within thirty days from the date of receipt of this reply:

Shri A. Bhattacharya, FAA & Deputy Secretary (E-1), Department of Personnel & Training, North Block, New Delhi- 110001.

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