Revised recruitment rules of PA/SA 2022 | Service eligibility and age limit for PA SA Recruitment from Eligible Postman, MTS & GDS - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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Revised recruitment rules of PA/SA 2022 | Service eligibility and age limit for PA SA Recruitment from Eligible Postman, MTS & GDS

Revised recruitment rules of PA/SA. Service eligibility and age limit for PA SA Recruitment from Eligible Postman, MTS & GDS.

For 40% of total circle vacancy:

Part - A

PA SA (Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant) Recruitment Eligibility criteria is

1. As a postman 3 years of regular service.

2. Five years of combined regular service as a MTS, MG/Postman.

3. Five years of  regular service as a MTS.

For the unfilled vacancies in Part - A, Part - B category officials will be considered.

Part - B:

1. MTS/MG/Postman with total 8 years of regular service including service rendered as regular GDS.

Age limit:

1. For part - A, No age limit.

For part - B, 40 years for general category, 43 years for OBC and 45 years for SC/ST.

Educational qualification:

Part -A: Not prescribed.

Part - B : 10+2 for GDS

Promotion through Limited Departmental Competitive Examination(LDC Exams):

Part- (A): -
(1) Officials holding post in Level 3 of the Pay Matrix with three years of regular service in such post or five years of combined regular service in posts in Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 of Pay Matrix;

(2) officials holding post in Level 2 of the Pay Matrix with five years of regular service in such post including the regular service in posts in Level 1 of Pay Matrix;

(3) officials holding post in Level 1 of the Pay Matrix with five years of regular service in such post.

Part - (B): -
Officials holding post in Level 1, Level 2 and d Level 3 of the Pay Matrix with total regular service of eight years including service rendered regularly as Gramin Dak Sevaks.

Note 1: Eligibility of service condition shall be as on 01st day of January of the year to which the vacancy belongs to or as per guidelines issued by the Central Government from time to time regarding crucial date of eligibility.

Note 2: Promotion shall be subject to completion of ‘Induction Training for Postal Assistant (Foreign Post Organisation)’, conducted by the Postal Training Centre, within two years from the date of appointment to the promotional post: Provided that persons who are due to retire within twoyears shall be exempted from such training.

Note 3: Where juniors who have completed their qualifying or eligibility service are being considered for promotion, their seniors would also be considered provided they are not short of the requisite qualifying or eligibility service by more than half of such qualifying or eligibility service or two years, whichever is less, and have successfully completed their probation period for promotion to the next higher grade along- with their juniors who have already completed such qualifying or eligibility service.
This condition shall not be applied with reference to such junior officials who lost their seniority after availing transfer under Rule-38 of the Postal Manual Volume-IV.

Note 4: Eligibility of an official shall be determined with respect to the post held substantively and relevant pay level of the post in Pay Matrix and not with respect to the level in which an official is drawing pay as on the crucial date of eligibility by virtue of financial upgradation under the Time Bound One Promotion, Biennial Cadre Review or Modified Assured Career Progression

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