MCQ On National Savings Recurring Deposit Scheme 2019 | NSRD 2019 Quiz Questions and Answers | Post Office Exam MCQ Set [21] - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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MCQ On National Savings Recurring Deposit Scheme 2019 | NSRD 2019 Quiz Questions and Answers | Post Office Exam MCQ Set [21]

MCQs On Post Office Recurring Deposit Scheme 2019,Multiple choice questions and answers (MCQs) on National Savings Recurring Deposit Scheme 2019 (NSRD 2019). Useful for Postal Exams/LDCE IPO Exam/PS Group B Exam/LGO Exams/GDS to Postman/MTS/Mail Gaurd/PA/SA Exams in postal department.


1. If there are not more than four defaults in monthly deposits, the account holder may at his option, extend the maturity period of the account by as many months as the no of defaults and deposit the defaulted Installments during the extended period.

2. Default fee- Rs 1 for every 100 to be paid along with Monthly denomination.

3. Rebate for an account of Rs 100 denomination, is payable of Rs 40/- for every 12 deposits and Rs 10 for not less than 6 deposits.

4. Loan amount is in multiples of Rs 10 and admissible after 1 year @ 50% of balance in an account.

5. Loan interest- RD interest+ 2%.

6. PMC applicable after 3 years of opening of an account.

1. Minimum age for opening of RD account by minor himself in his name ?

A No age limit

B 20 years

C 15 years

D 10 years




2. "Year" refered in national savings recurring deposit scheme is

A A calender year

B A period of twelve months from april

C A period of twelve months from the month following the month of date of deposit

D A period of twelve months from the date of deposit




3. The minimum amount of monthly deposit in national savings recurring deposit scheme 2019

A Rs 50

B Rs 100

C Rs 500

D Rs 1000




4. National savings recurring deposit scheme 2019 shall be discontinued ?

A When there are more than six defaults

B When they are more than five defaults

C When they are more than three defaults

D when there are more than four defaults




5. Advance deposits in national saving recurring deposit 2019 may be made

A Up to 3 years

B Up to 2 years

C Up to 1 years

D Up to 5 years




6. In relation to national saving recurring deposit scheme 2019 account may prematurely closed after

A One years from the date of opening of the account

B Two years from the date of opening of the account

C Three years from the date of opening of the account

D Four years from the date of opening of the account



7. Which one of the following is not correct W.R.T Loan in national saving recurring deposit scheme 2019?

A Loan facility will be avilable after one year

B Loan amount shall be multiple of one hundred rupees

C Interest on loan will be 2% over and above the interest rate ot RD

D The balance in the account for the purpose of loan shall include all deposits including advance deposits




8. Which one of the following condition is incorrect in repayment of maturity value in protected savings scheme

A Restricted to the maturity value of an account of the denomination of one hundred rupees

B The account has not become a discontinued account

C No loan has been made from the account during the first twenty-four month

D The age of the account was between 18 to 60 at the time of account opening




9. Which of the following is not correct in respect of national saving recurring deposit scheme 2019?

A RD account may be opened upto three adults jointly

B Extension can be made only once for a term of five years

C Minimum of monthly deposit is multiple of ten rupees

D The rebate may be given irrespective of whether the amount was deposited in one lump sum in any calender month or on different dates in any calendar month



10. A Minor on whose behalf an account has been opened may, on his attaining majority

A Continue the account for full maturity period

B Claim proportionate amount

C Provision is not mentioned in the Scheme

D Both provision have been mentioned in the Scheme




1. Relaxation in National Savings Recurring Deposit Scheme Rules 2019

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