MCQ On GDS Conduct and Engagement Rules 2020 | Quiz Question and Answers on GDS Conduct & Enagagement Rules 2020 (GDS CE Rules 2020) | LDCE IPO Exam MCQ Set [23]
MCQs On GDS Conduct and Engagement Rules 2020,Multiple choice questions and answers (MCQs) on GDS CE Rules 2020. Useful for Postal Exams/LDCE IPO Exam/PS Group B Exam/LGO Exams/GDS to Postman/MTS/Mail Gaurd/PA/SA Exams in postal department.
1. When a GDS stays behind two days emergency leave at a time how the said leave period is regulated?
A Divisional head can grant maximum 5 days emergency leave at a time
B Another eligible leave can be combined after 2 days of emergency leave
C The whole period shall be debited against his/her paid leave account due
D None of these
2. Who is the authority competent to grant maternity leave for all categories of GDS ?
A Circle Head
B Regional Head
C Sub Disional Head
D Divisional Head
3. Which one of the following is not correct with regard to emergency leave of GDS?
A Emergency leave cannot be carried forward or encashed or combined with paid leave
B Half day can be granted to a GDS
C GDS will be paid TRCA as applicable during the period of emergency leave
D Emergency leave will be granted to gds to take care of any emergent personal requirements
4. Which one of the following regard to maternity leave of GDS is correct?
A Maternity leave may be combined with paid leave
B Maternity leave shall not be debited against the paid leave account
C Both A and B are correct
D None of the above are correct
5. Which one of the following statement is correct with regard to emergency leave of GDS?
A Prior sanction of Divisional head in case of BPM and sub divisional head in case of ABPM are required for availing emergency leave
B Sunday postal holidays can be prefixed/suffixed to emergency leave
C Emergency leave will not be granted to GDS who are under put off duty
D All the above are correc
6. A female Gramin Dak Sevak (GDS)with less than two surviving children maybe granted maternity leave by an authority competent to grant leave for a period of maximum ?
A 90 Days
B 100 Days
C 150 Days
D 180 Days
7. What is the maximum number of days that can be granted to GDS as emergency leave in a calendar year ?
A Two Days
B Four Days
C Five Days
D Ten Days
8. Which one of the following statement is correct with respect to termination of engagement of a GDS as contained in rule 8 of GDS conduct and engagement rules 2020 is correct ?
A GDS shall not be eligible for GDS gratuity and severance amount etc
B The period of such notice shall be one month
C If the termination is forthwith, trca plus da equivalent to 1 month shall be paid
D All the above
9. Maternity leave for female GDS is contained in which rule of GDS conduct and engagement rules 2020?
A Rule 7A
B Rule 8
C Rule 8B
D Rule 7B
10. Which rule of GDS conduct and engagement rules 2020 provides for emergency leave for GDS?
A Rule 8
B Rule 7
C Rule 7A
D Rule 8A
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1. GDS Conduct & Engagement Rules 2020 Short Notes/Highlighted Notes
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