IPO Exam Application Resubmission Allowed | IPO Exam Admit Cards Download from 20.06.2022 | Application yet to be re-submitted allowed for Resubmission
F. No. A34012/03/2021-DE(Pt-1)
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(DE Section)
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
New Dethi-110001
Dated 17.06.2022
Link for IPO Exam Admitcard Download
Representations have been received from some of the applicants for IP Examination being held on 25/26-06-2022 that they were unable to make corrections in the application form during the window period from 02.06.2022 to 03.06.2022 due to either non receipt of email or late receipt of email from controlling officer/CEPT etc.
2 Data received from CEPT Mysuru indicates that there are other such cases also in many circles where status of the application is being shown as “application yet to be re-submitted”. In order to give fair opportunity to all such candidates who could not re-submit applications after doing corrections as pointed out by Controlling officer/CEPTetc.
it has been decided to give an opportunity to such applicants only by providing a window from 20.06.2022 (09:00 hrs) to 21.06.2022 (17:00 hrs) for making desired corrections and resubmit the application. Circle Nodal officer will verify the correctness of application by 17:00 hrs on 22.06.2022, so that the candidates can download their Admit Cards.
3. However, it may be ensured that the candidates whose applications are already processed are able to down load the Admit Cards from 20.06.2022 onwards as per schedule. It may further be ensured that no new applications are allowed and only the cases which are pending for re-submission to controlling officer in the system are allowed.
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