GDS to PA SA Exam 2022 Notification | PA/SA Exam from GDS Model Notification 2022 | LDCE PA SA Exam from GDS
Competitive Examination for recruitment to the cadre of Postal Assistants and Sorting Assistants (PA/SA) from Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDSs) for the unfilled Limited Department Competitive Examination vacancy of Postal Assistant and Sorting Assistant (PA SA) of the year 2022 (01.01.2022 to 31.12.2022)
Download PA SA Exam from GDS Notification in PDF
The Competitive Examination (LDCE PA SA Exam from GDS) will be held on 7th August, 2022 (Sunday) for recruitment to the posts of Postal Assistant (Circle Office and Regional Offices), Postal Assistant (In the Foreign Post Organisations in Chennai, Delhi, Kolkata and Mumbai), Postal Assistant (Savings Bank Control and Internal Check Organisations), Postal Assistant (Post Office) and Sorting Assistant (Railway Mail Service) from Gramin Dak Sevaks (GDSs) for the unfilled Limited Department Competitive Examination (LDCE) vacancy of Postal Assistant and Sorting Assistant of the year 2022 (01.01.2022 to 31.12.2022). Accordingly, applications are invited from the willing and eligible GDSs in the format enclosed (Annexure-I). The schedule of activities of the examination is furnished hereunder:
PA SA Exam 2022 Time Schedule with Activity - Proposed Date (Schedule)
1. Date of notification: 24.06.2022 (Friday)
2. Last date for receipt of Application form at Divisional Office/Controlling Unit from eligible candidates: 15.07.2022 (Friday)
3. Receipt of duly filled in Application forms at the Regional Office to be sent by Divisional Office/Controlling Unit duly verified: 19.07.2022 (Tuesday)
4. Receipt of duly filled in Application forms at the Circle Office (Nodal Officer) to be sent by RO duly verified: 22.07.2022 (Friday)
5. Issue of Admit Card by CO/RO/DO/Unit to eligible candidates: 01.08.2022 (Monday)
6. Date of Examination (date & time): 07th August, 2022 (Sunday)
*Exam will commence exactly at 10:00 AM in all the Circles and both Paper-I & II will be conducted in continuity.
2. Vacancies: The vacancies will be filled up through GDS, only if, there are unfilled vacancies of promotion quota of eligible officials through LDCE to the post of Postal Assistant and Sorting Assistant.
3. Eligibility Criteria: - As per the Recruitment Rules notified in GSR 459 (E) dated 17.06.2022, following conditions are to be fulfilled:
(i) Educational Qualification: (a) 10+2 standard pass from a recognised Board, and (b) knowledge of working on Computer.
(ii) Age: Should be within forty (40) years of age (relaxable for different categories as notified by the Government of India from time to time).
(iii) Service eligibility: Five (05) years regular engagement as Gramin Dak Sevaks.
Note: The crucial date of eligibility for reckoning the eligibility conditions as above shall be 01.01.2022.
4. Pattern & Syllabus of Examination: The examination will be conducted as per the revised pattern and syllabus circulated by Directorate vide letter No. 17-08/2018-SPB-I dated 10.05.2019 under Annexure —C which shall be read with letter No. 17-08/2018-SPB-I (pt.) dated 10.06.2019 and 17-08/2018-SPB-I dated 20.06.2019, 26.06.2019, 28.06.2019, 11.07.2019, 23.07.2019 and letter No. 17-08/2018-SPN-I dated 09.09.2021, enclosed as Annexure-II.
Note: The ‘Skill test of data entry’ will be conducted subsequently as per the Instructions on the subject.
5. Applicants are required to indicate the order of preference of all Divisions / Units (in a proforma). The proforma for order of preference will be provided by concerned Circle office, mentioning there in all the Divisions / Units. Allotment of Division / Unit will be made as per merit-cum-preference basis subject to availability of vacancy.
6. Centres of Examination: The examination will be conducted at all Circle / Region Headquarters only. The candidates will have to appear from the respective Centres of their Circle only and under no circumstances, they be permitted to appear from other Circle’s Centres.
7. Department vests the power to cancel this notification of the examination, if anything unfair was found during the recruitment process.
8. The candidates who are willing to apply for the examination should ensure that they fulfill/satisfy all the eligibility criteria/conditions/instructions (mentioned at para 1 to 7) for appearing in the examination.
9. This notification may be given wide publicity amongst all GDSs working in Divisions/Units.
10. This notification is also available on the Departmental Website i.e.
11. This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority.
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