DOP Mission Karmayogi | DOPT FRAC (The Framework of Role, Activities and Competencies) | National Programme for Civil Service Capacity Building (NPCSCB) - Postalstudy | Post Office Blog | Materials for | Exams

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DOP Mission Karmayogi | DOPT FRAC (The Framework of Role, Activities and Competencies) | National Programme for Civil Service Capacity Building (NPCSCB)

F. no. 0l-67/2013-Trg. (Pt. II)

Government of India

Ministry of Communications

Department of Posts

(Training Division)

Dated: 28.12.2020


Subject: National Programme for Civil Service Capacity Building (NPCSCB) through iGOT Karmayogi Digital Platform.

The Government of india has launched 'Mission Karmayogi', which is a National Programme for Civil Services Capacity Building (NPCSCB) aimed at building a futureready civil service with the right attitude, skills and knowledge, aligned to the vision of New India. 

Download DOP Mission Karmayogi in PDF

The mission envisages a comprehensive reform of the capacity building apparatus at the individual, institutional and process levels for efficient public service delivery.

2. As part of 'Mission Karmayogi', DoPT has circulated a draft document titled "The Framework of Role, Activities and Competencies (FRAC)" (copy enclosed) wherein it has been stated that every Ministry/Department/Organisation (MDO) should 'FRAC' its positions, roles, activities and competencies. 

The first step in the FRACing joumey is to establish an Internal FRACing Unit (FRAC), which has to take responsibility for the FRACing exercise. A brief of 'Mission Karmayogi' and the FRACing exercise have been summarized in Annexure-


3. With the approval of the competent authority, the following Internal FRACing unit is constituted for the Department:-

Sl. No. Position-FRACine Team Designated Officer

Head - Secretary (Posts)

Project Leader - DG (Postal Services)

Proiect Manager - DDG (P)

Project Coordinator - GM (CEPT)

DDG (Training) - (Nodal Officer of iGOT)

Team Member - All DDGs at Postal Directorate

Team Member - Director/ADG of functional Unit

Note : Training Division of Postal Directorate will provide Secretariat assistance to the IFU

4. To assist the IFU in completing the FRACing exercise in a time bound manner, subcommittees will be constituted in a phased manner. Further, a workshop with all DDsG of Postal Directorate will be conducted shortly on the FRACing process along with the exercise that each division needs to perform and identify various roles and activities associated with each position in their Division and assessment of competencies required for every role.

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