DOP Finacle Negligence | Negligence and carelessness of the officials while performing transactions in DOP CBS Finacle | Post Office Finacle Negligence
File No. FS-10/19/2020-FS-Part(1)
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(F.S. Division)
Dak Bhawan, New Delhi — 110001
Dated: 15.06.2022
Subject: Negligence and carelessness of the officials while performing transactions in Finacle — Regarding.
Download Circular on Negligence of Officials in CBS Finacle in PDF
Postmaster General, Indore Region, Indore reported that an amount of Rs 2,50,000/- has been unauthorizedly withdrawn from one of the PO savings accounts standing in MP Circle, for funding of a TD account of some other customer in J & K Circle. This has come to light on the same day as the savings account depositor has made complaint as soon as he received the SMS regarding debit from his savings account. On inquiry, it is understood that the official at the post office in J & K Circle has entered wrong savings account number in Finacle CBS. Thereafter, in order to settle the case, the counter official in J & K Circle has closed the newly opened TD account and credited the amount in the savings account from which it was wrongly debited.
2. In the above said case, the PO counter official has failed to note the name of the depositor appearing on the screen as soon as the debit account number is entered in Finacle and failed to match the name of the depositors of both the accounts, which lead to the saving account depositor’s grievance.
3. Though the newly opened TD account has been closed on the same day, if the total amount of investment including the wrongly opened TD account will be reported in the Statement of Financial Transactions (SFT-005) to Income Tax Department at the end of the financial year, which may also lead to grievance of the depositor of the TD account again.
4. Alike, if any inadvertent cash transactions in Finacle is done, it may lead to wrong reporting to the Income Tax Department in SFT-004. In few cases, inadvertent cash transactions may also lead to deduction of TDS under Section 194N.
5. Though, except few transactions, almost all the transactions are maker- checker based transactions. So, if any wrong data is entered at the time of making a transaction, it can be corrected at the time of checking.
6. Because of the negligence and carelessness of the officials including Supervisors / APM / DPM / SPM concerned, working in the post offices, such irregularities are noticed and thereby complaints are received. Depositors are put into mental agony unnecessarily.
5. Hence, it is requested that Circles may issue strict instructions to all the Post Offices
(i). To take utmost care and to be more vigilant while performing transactions in Finacle.
(ii). To ensure that all the checks are done by the Postmasters / Supervisors /APM / DPM / SPM. In case of single handed post offices, though the same official performs the maker and checker transactions, the official concerned should perform all the checks while doing checker transactions.
(iii). To not to use the facility of bulk verification of transactions using HTV menu. The said menu may be used only if it is unavoidable.
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