DOP Employees Deputation to IPPB for IT Project 2.0 | Deputation to existing DoP manpower (CEPT Employees) to IPPB for IT Project 2.0
No. X-20/41/2022-SPN-II
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(Personnel Division)
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi — 110 061
Dated 07th June 2022
Subject: Deputation to existing DoP manpower to IPPB for IT Project 2.0 — reg,
In continuation of this office letter of even number dated 25.05.2022, I am directed to enclose herewith list of 46 resources of CEPT whose services have been requested by IPPB for smooth transition of various IT Projects and to enable these employees to perform their respective existing duties and transition related activities,
2. CEPT is requested to take action, as under by 10.06.2022:-
(i) General Manager CEPT is requested to provide his recommendation / consent regarding deputation of these resources to IPPB.
(ii) Willingness of these resources for deputation to IPPB may be obtained and forwarded to Directorate.
(iii) Bio-data of each resource including information sought vide this office letter dated 25.05.2022 may be furnished.
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