Deceased GDS Dependent Compassionate Engagement Scheme 2022 | Review of the Scheme for engagement of the dependent of a deceased Gramin Dak Sevak (GDS) on Compassionate Grounds.
No. 17-01/2017-GDS (Vol-I)
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of posts
(GDS Section)
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi-110 001
Dated: 06.06.2022
Subject: - Review of the Scheme for engagement of the dependent of a deceased Gramin Dak Sevak (GDS) on Compassionate Grounds.
Download OM On GDS Dependent Comppasionate Engagement Guidelines
Reference this office letter No. 17-1/2017-GDS dated 30.05.2017 on the above mentioned subject.
2. In this context, several references have been received in this Directorate wherein the engagement of a dependent of deceased Gramin Dak Sevak on compassionate grounds was placed before CCE and rejected due to reasons like non-completion of the required documents/process, etc.
3. The Competent Authority has examined the issue and observed that the application for compassionate engagement placed before Committee for Compassionate Engagement (CCE) should be complete in all aspects viz. application filled in format, supporting documents, required educational qualification, age limit etc. In addition, due verification/scrutiny of records shall also be completed before CCE meeting.
4. Since Department has made provision for 100% engagement on compassionate grounds, the Competent Authority has decided to give an opportunity to dependents to submit their representation against rejection on the above grounds by Circles. Director General Postal Services will be the Competent Authority for taking final decision on such cases/representations.
The applicant/dependent may submit his/her representation against rejection for compassionate engagement to the Director General Postal Services through the Chief Postmaster General concerned.
5: No representation shall be entertained unless it is submitted within a period of six months from the date on which the dependent receives a copy of the order represented dgainst. However, the final Competent Authority may entertain the representation even after the expiry of the said period, if it is satisfied that the dependent had sufficient cause for not submitting the representation in time.
6. HOCs are requested to ensure forwarding such representation to the Directorate within 15 days from the receipt of representation along with the attested copies of the following documents: -
(i) Representation given by dependent along with the supported documents.
(ii) Application of dependent along with the documents placed before CCE
(iii) Minutes of Committee for Compassionate Engagement (CCE) vide which the application of dependent was rejected.
(iv) Comments of the HOC on the representation on the grounds cited by the representationist.
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