CGHS MCQ | Quiz Questions and Answers on CGHS (Central Government Health Scheme) | IPO/PS Group B Exam MCQ Set [39]
MCQs On CGHS ,Multiple choice questions and answers (MCQs) on CGHS (Central Government Health Scheme). SOP, Short Notes, PPT, PDF, Quiz,Online Test, Mock Test, Previous Questions and Answers, Solved Papers.Useful for Postal Exams/LDCE IPO Exam/PS Group B Exam/LGO Exams/GDS to Postman/MTS/Mail Gaurd/PA/SA Exams in postal department.
1. Presently In How many cities CGHS facility is available?
A 54
B 27
C 37
D 74
2. What is the criterion for determining eligibility of a Central Government servant for availing medical facilities under the Central Government Health Scheme
A Residing in notified cities
B Residing in Headquarter
C Residing in Metro Politan Cities
D Residing in X Class Cities
3. Which one of the following statement is false regarding Wellness Centers functions?
A CGHS Wellness Centres are open from 7:30 AM to 2 PM on all working days from Monday to Saturday
B In case of 3 consecutive holidays occurring together, Wellness Centers will not be closed for more than 2 consecutive days
C Timings of WCs with emergency services are from 7:30 AM to 1:30 AM
D Limited Emergency Service are available in all notified cities
4. Which one of the following statement is false regarding the definition of the word Family?
A Sisters
B Husband or Wife
C Daughter upto the age of 25 or till she gets marriage
D Son up to the age of 25 or till his marriage
5. For the purpose of making CGHS cards who are dependent?
A income from all sources should be less than Rs 10000 per month
B income from all sources including pension and pension equivalent of DCRG benefit is less than Rs. 9000 +DA per month
C income from all sources including pension and pension equivalent of DCRG benefit is less than Rs. 12000 per month
D income from all sources including pension should be less than Rs 18000 per month
6. What is the grace period for getting CGHS card for availing treatment facility/ reimbursement for indoor treatment by pensioners immediately after retirement?
A Three Months
B One Month
C Two Months
DSix Months
7. Who is defined as a Person with disability?
A a person suffering from not less than Thirty Five percent (35%) of any disability
B a person suffering from not less than forty percent (40%) of any disability
C a person suffering from not less than fifty percent (50%) of any disability
D a person suffering from not less than Sixty percent (60%) of any disability
8. What is the fee for issuing Duplicate card and its mode of payment ?
A Rs 50 by Cash
B Rs 50 by IPO
C Rs 25 by Demand Draft
D Rs 25 by electronic transfer
9. Which one of the following color stripe at the top of CGHS Plastic card issued for Member of Parliament?
A Yellow
B Blue
C Green
D Red
10. What is the Monthly subscriptions for Postal Inspector who is serving in the Department?
A Rs 250
B Rs 650
C Rs 450
D Rs 1000
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