Proposal for unification/merger of PA (CO/RO) / (SBCO) / (FPO) with PA (PO) | Postal Assistant (Post Office)
No. Q-25/11/2022-PE-I-DOP
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(PE-I Section)
Dated: 09th May,2022
Subject: Regarding proposal for unification/merger of PA (CO/RO) / (SBCO) / (FPO) with PA (PO)
With reference to the above mentioned subject, this is to inform that a proposal for unification/merger of PA (CO/RO/SBCO/(FPO) with PA (PO) is under consideration of this Directorate.
2. Draft modalities of the aforesaid unifrcation/merger have been prepared with a view to have views of all stakeholders on the issue. Therefore, it is requested to furnish your para'wise comments/suggestions on the modalities enclosed as Annexure 'A'.
3. Comments/suggestions may be furnished within a fortnight. If no comments/suggestions are received within this period, it shall be presumed that there are no comments/suggestions to offer on the issue. Comments of Personnel Division are also enclosed as Annexure'B'.
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