PLI RPLI Premium Payment in IPPB Micro ATM | Steps, Procedure, SOP for PLI RPLI Premium Payments in IPPB mATM Mobile APP Channel
PLI/RPLI Premium Payment - Journey through IPPB mATM Channel.
5.1 PLI/RPLI Premium Payment Journey- mATM
11. Select Post Office Services Menu at the Home Screen.
12. User shall be re-directed to customer authentication. Select any of the options – Aadhaar/Account no/Mobile no or Scan IPPB QR.
13. Authenticate the customer using Fingerprint/OTP. In case of OTP based authentication, End user must confirm if he/she has verified the customer using one of photo IDs (provided in the screen).
14. Select Postal Life Insurance Pay premium
15. Disclaimer will be shown at the front-end as follows. End-user shall take the consent of the customer :
16. On proceeding, following screen shall appear where the user needs to input PLI/RPLI Policy No and Date of Birth of policy holder (Primary holder in case of Joint policy)
17. For End User’s convenience, last 5 PLI/RPLI transactions by the customer will also be shown in the screen. User can opt to repeat payment from the list displayed (No need to enter the policy details and DOB in this case)
18. End user must note that following points :
Exact policy number to be entered Policy number can be numeric, Alpha-numeric & can include hyphen (-)
Date of Birth (DOB) needs to be same as updated in PLI/RPLI policy DOB of primary holder to be entered in case of joint policy
In case the policy status is other than AP (active premium), IL (Inactive lapsed), VL (Void lapsed) or the Policy cannot be paid through IPPB channels. The system will display error message as:
“Premium cannot be accepted, please contact nearest Post Office for details”
19. Once the Valid Policy details and Date of birth are entered, Policy details will be displayed on the screen
20. Basic details such as Policy No, Policy Name, Premium payment frequency, Premium period (from date & to date), Premium Amount, taxes, No. of installments, Total amount payable etc, will be auto populated (Post successful authentication)
a. Other than No. of installments, none of the fields/parameters is editable and are auto-fetched directly from PLI systems (McCamish) at DOP.
b. In case the customer opts to change the no. of installments, revised amount will be populated on the screen
21. System will prompt if doorstep charges are applicable.
22. Select continue , User will select the A/c that needs to be debited.
23. Payment summary will be displayed as follows.
24. Authenticate the customer using one of the options – Fingerprint/OTP. In case of OTP based authentication, End user should confirm if he/she has verified the customer using one of photo IDs.
25. Premium Payment confirmation screen will be displayed and customer shall get SMS/email alert for the same.
26. Customer can view the receipt by selecting view receipt details.
27. In case the customer has not received SMS/email , than the User can select “get SMS” to retrigger the SMS/email alert.
28. Customer can also choose to set up standing instructions for future payments after successful completion of payment.
5.2 Accessing Transaction history
1. Transaction History Screen provides the access to all Transaction history & transaction details.
2. Other than recent transactions, user can search the past transaction too using the date range filter
5.3 Standing Instruction(SI) Registration
1. Under Postal Life Insurance Select Standing instructions
2. Screen will display existing standing instructions(SI) setup by customer (if any)
3. Select “Add Standing Instructions ” at the bottom of the screen.
4. Input Correct Policy No & Date of Birth of Policy Holder.
5. Take customers consent on the Disclaimer and Continue.
6. Policy Number, Policy Name, Premium frequency & Premium amount will be displayed.
7. User has to select the SI validity i.e Start date of Standing instructions & end Date of Standing instructions
8. Select the debit date among 4 options i.e For each premium payment customer A/c will be debited on the date so selected (5th of the month or 10th of the month or 15th of Month or 20th of the Month)
9. Select Continue, Application will prompt to select the Debit Account (every time premium will be debited from this account)
10. Select confirm after validating details on confirmation screen.
11. Authenticate the customer using one of the options. In case of OTP based authentication, End user should confirm if he/she has verified the customer using one of photo IDs.
12. SI registration acknowledgement will be displayed. SMS for successful SI registration will be sent to customer post confirmation from PLI systems.
13. Note :
SI will commence from next month (after confirmation is received from DoP systems). Customer to ensure that he/she should not default in the current month’s premium Customer shall receive the SMS & email for successful SI payments
In case the customer defaults in SI Payments due to insufficient balance in customer’s account on premium due date. The customer has to pay the premium through alternate mode. Once defaulted the SI payments shall be stopped, till the customer pays the premium for defaulting period
Premium payment history shall be visible in mobile banking and a statement can be obtained from Post office PLI counters. Other than CPLISI menu, User can also redirect to initiate Standing Instructions from the transaction success screen.
5.3 Deleting Standing Instruction (SI)
1. Under Postal Life Insurance Select Standing instructions
2. Screen will display existing standing instructions(SI) setup by customer
3. Press Delete Symbol against the SI to be deleted.
4. Confirmation message will be displayed and after Pressing Delete status will be displayed on screen.
Note : Premium may still be deducted for the current month in case deletion request is not made well before payment due date.
Download IPPB MATM PLI RPLI Premium Payments SOP in PDF
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