Payment of TRCA on Sunday/Holidays to the GDS working against vacancies in Postman/Mail Guard/MTS Cadre
It is clarified that, the persons working substitute of GDS may be paid TRCA for Sunday, if he/she continuously works for 6 days. But, no extra payment on account of National Holidays will be made to persons working substitute of GDS in view of fact that payment of remuneration to GDS is made on monthly basis.
No. 23-01/2019-GDS
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(GDS Section)
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi-110001
Dated: 04.05.2022
Subject: Payment of TRCA on Sunday/Holidays to the GDS working against vacancies in Postman/Mail Guard/MTS Cadre.
It has come to notice that payment of TRCA to persons working substitute of regular GDS for National Holidays are being paid, whereas para 1 and para 4(ii) of Directorate OM No. No. 23-01/2019-GDS dated 23.10.2019 stipulates"that no extra Payment on account of National Holiday will be made to persons working substitute of GDS in view of fact that payment of remuneration to GDS is made on monthly basis”. Resultantly, this has been objected by C&AG Audit and recovery of overpayment of wages to substitutes for Gramin Dak Sevaks raised.
2. In this context, however, it is clarified that, the persons working substitute of GDS may be paid TRCA for Sunday, if he/she continuously works for 6 days. But, no extra payment on account of National Holidays will be made to persons working substitute of GDS in view of fact that payment of remuneration to GDS is made on monthly basis.
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